Friday, July 1, 2022

Philanthropists Who Believe They're Righteously Fulfilling Their Calling as Saviours but Have Become Monsters Themselves

Yuval Hariri is actually warning against nightmarish outcomes

  • He thinks he thinks he is a good guy.
  • During the Athens Democracy Forum Dialogue: The Geopolitics of Technology, Harari proposes that one solution to the prospect of a tyrannical biosecurity state is to surveil governments
  • If the technology is used for our benefit and not for the benefit of some big corporation or totalitarian government, then this can be, really, the best society that ever existed
  • Harari still supports the idea that the citizenry be surveilled but expands that principle to governments and corporations
  • Any rational individual who values freedom, privacy, and protection from tyranny would reject the proposition that people be biosurveilled-ever

Anatomy of a Philanthropath

  • A philanthropath wants you dead for the good of humanity
  • It wants you enslaved for the better of liberty
  • They want you to pay more for less for the best of the economy
  • Want you to be dependent on them for the benefit of their fiefdom
  • Don't want Us to know We're powerful. They don't want us to realise We outnumber Them.

Closing thoughts

  • When people of goodwill join together to identify, convict, and punish those with the means and power to voraciously rob, maim, and slaughter millions of individuals, we are striking a noble blow in defense of humanity.
  • We must always hold fast to our principles of integrity, truth, liberty, and love lest we risk becoming monsters ourselves after gazing too long into the abyss 

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