Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Obama-Biden's 'Climate Change' Initiative Hurts Economy, Helps Iran, And Does Little to Prevent 'Climate Change'


  • Obama signed the nuclear deal with Iran to cripple American power in the Middle East
  • He claimed to have negotiated with Iran from a position of strength and principle when in fact he surrendered to the Iranians on position after position
  • The deal weakens and endangers the United States negotiated by men who believe a strong Iran is better than a strong America

Trump withdrew America from Obama's Iran Deal

  • In 2018 Trump withdrew from the nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed sanctions against the Iranian regime.
  • The EU tried desperately to bypass Trump's sanctions by creating the INSTEX but they failed because of the centrality of the US Dollar in the global financial system.

Since 2015, large corporations have withdrawn from trading with Iran

  • European efforts to ensure continued trading with Tehran despite the sanctions have so far had little impact, raising doubts about whether INSTEX an effectively boost the battered Iranian economy.
  • There have been no transactions through the mechanism so far, though it has been staffed and operational.

Extraterritorial Sanctions

  • In their standard form, sanctions prevent entities that are subject to a country's laws from doing business with a sanctioned entity.
  • Secondary sanctions go further, prohibiting U.S. companies and banks from doing any business with third-country companies that do business with sanctioned entities
  • The extraterritorial impact of sanctions is magnified by their effect on a private Belgian company called SWIFT.

The Great Reset will have little actual environmental benefit but devastating economic consequences

  • The globalists want to end the centrality of the United States financial system in the global economy
  • They want an international organization like the IMF to have more power
  • With a weaker economy, America will be less capable of influencing others through sanctions, it will be able to defend its interests abroad
  • Because of the "Great Reset", the IMF's board of directors now has more power

This has nothing to do with "climate change".

  • Biden wants to end the centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System so no future US President can impose sanctions on Iran again. 


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