Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Maxine Waters Once Again Pays Daughter With Campaign Funds – Bringing Total to Over $1.2 Million

Maxine Waters reportedly paid her daughter another $16,500 out of her campaign coffers for campaign services, bringing the total now to well over $1.2 million. If there was any evidence that lawmakers will continue to do things because they know they can get away with it, Waters is a prime example.

Maxine Waters Funnels Cash to Her Daughter

  • The younger Waters has been engaged in the slate mailer technique for nearly 20 years, receiving a total of more than $1.2 million from her mother's committee during that time
  • "Slate mailer" is just a term for mass mailing campaign literature
  • Waters Jr. handles at least some of her mother’s campaign mailings

Maxine Waters In Hot Water After Paying Her Daughter's Firm Over $1.2M

  • The LA Weekly has described the practice as "sleaze."
  • Waters is reportedly the only lawmaker who used the practice in 2020.
  • "Corruption!" she said.

Will Anything Be Done About It?

  • Maxine Waters' daughter has been receiving campaign payments since 2003
  • According to legal scholar Jonathan Turley, the corrupt practice is perfectly legal because "Congress works hard to keep it that way."
  • Politicians want voters to shrug off such enrichment as "everyone does it" or "it is not illegal." 

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