Sunday, July 24, 2022

Lawmakers coordinate effort to stop blacklisted Chinese firms from receiving U.S. tax dollars

The bill would stop any federal funds from going to companies that have been blacklisted by the Department of Commerce's Entity List and the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List. Several Republican senators introduced new legislation this week that would prevent U.S. taxpayer dollars from being given to certain Chinese firms.

The federal funding goes to these companies via federal grants or contracts which, aside from the national security concerns, threatens American businesses since Chinese companies have a history of predatory investment and stealing U.S. intellectual property.

  • The Turn Off the Tap Act will stop the flow of hardworking Americans' dollars to countries like Communist China who want to hurt our economy.
    1. The federal funding goes to these companies via federal grants or contracts which, aside from the national security concerns, threatens American businesses since Chinese companies have a history of predatory investment and stealing U.S. intellectual property.
    2. The bill would stop any federal funds from going to companies that have been blacklisted by the Department of Commerce’s Entity List and the Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List. 

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