Thursday, July 21, 2022

Judge In Stefan Halper Case Says He Likely Lied To The FBI

The former FBI confidential human source, or "CHS," embroiled in the SpyGate scandal.

  • Documents suggest that Stefan Halper "may have made clear misstatements to the FBI" and may be responsible for "some falsehoods" about Michael Flynn and Svetlana Lokhova.
  • On Friday, a federal court in Virginia denied Halper's Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit LokHova had filed against him in December of 2020.
  • When Halper learned she was penning a book about Halper, "he directed his counsel, Terry Reed, to contact Post Hill Press and Simon & Schuster solely for the purposes of 'quash[ing] publication and cancel[ing]" the book contract.

False Claims

  • Contrary to Halper's claims to the FBI, however, he did not attend the February 2014 Cambridge dinner at which Flynn, then-President Obama's director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, spoke and at which Lokhova, then a graduate student at Cambridge, attended.
  • In her lawsuit against Halper, the historian and author seeks recovery for the alleged false statements of fact he made to Post Hill Press and Simon & Schuster, namely that Halper falsely told the publisher and distributor of her proposed book that she had defamed him. She also seeks damages for tortiously interfering with her book contract.

Problems for Mueller and Crossfire Hurricane

  • Halper, who reportedly served as a confidential human source for the FBI from 2008 until his presumptive termination following his involvement in the targeting of Trump and the Trump campaign, lied to the FBI about Lokhova and Flynn and then repeated those lies to various members of the media
  • He wore a wire when he questioned Trump’s then-campaign chair, Sam Clovis, on behalf of the FBI
  • In fact, it appears Halper also misrepresented his interactions with Page during his August 11, 2016, interview with the FBI
  • Page stated unequivocally that he never asked Halper to be a foreign policy advisor for the campaign. 

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