Saturday, July 23, 2022

Immigration Measure Doesn't Belong in National Defense Authorization Act

It's National Defense Authorization Act time again

  • This year, special interests are attempting to include dangerous and pricey provisions that would encourage, and throw more money at, illegal immigration and worsen the Biden border crisis.
  • In one section, "Immigration Age-Out Protections" (Amendment #923), the left is using emotional arguments and the words "child" and "children" to circumvent the law as intended and to eliminate long-standing restrictions on visas and immigration benefits.

This would no longer be the case if this amendment, which passed in the House, is added to the Senate bill and included in the final National Defense Authorization Act.

  • With illegal immigration entirely out of control and 8.5 million cases backlogged or pending at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Congress should not be wasting time looking to expand eligibility for any immigration benefits or visas.

Legal and illegal immigration are inextricably tied

  • There are only so many resources and so much manpower to go around, and when the system is overrun by illegal border crossings and fraudulent asylum claims, it is those waiting on legally filed applications who are hurt most.
  • If the border were secure, fraudulent applications were rare, and Citizenship and Immigration Services could adjudicate benefits efficiently, these age-out scenarios for temporary visas would be far less common. 

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