Thursday, July 21, 2022

How the "Vaccine" Affects the Body, What Corporate Media Will Never Tell You

Ben Armstrong, the host of The New American's 'The Armstrong Show', gave an easy-to-understand explanation of how the Covid injection affects our bodies using excerpts from an earlier interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff. Click on the image below to watch the video on Rumble..

We are still trying to establish the long-term effects of Covid injections

  • Long-term, the lipid nanoparticles ("LNP") seem to be damaging to our body's organs
  • If someone has only had one dose of the injections, hopefully, the dose of LNPs that was injected is in small enough amounts to not cause damage or possibly that particular dose was from a placebo batch.
  • The more doses someone has received, the more spike protein and mRNA injected, the worse it is going to be
  • Given viral mRNA can convert into DNA and disrupt cells' repair and replication, it's possible you could have an altered human genome - altered by mRNA injections to make a spike protein - which could be passed down to future generations that could become a permanent feature in their DNA.
    1. We are still trying to establish the long-term effects of Covid injections, Armstrong begins his podcast (above). The long-term effects are the subject of Armstrong’s highlights from a previous interview with Dr Seneff where she explained what happens when synthetic mRNA goes into the human lymphatic system and settles in various organs – the mRNA “teaches” local cells to produce spike proteins that become targets of autoimmune attacks.
    2. How do babies who haven’t been “vaccinated” fall victim to this new hepatitis? The spike proteins and the LNPs get into the breastmilk and through feeding on breastmilk, the spike proteins and LNPs end up in the baby’s liver. The baby’s immune system then attacks these foreign particles causing liver inflammation which looks similar to and is being described as this new hepatitis. 

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