Tuesday, July 26, 2022

House's Bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act Rebukes Biden Plan

The House's July 14 vote to approve the annual defense authorization bill represented a bipartisan repudiation of the Biden administration's fiscal year 2023 defense budget request that would reduce the size of our armed forces, retire more ships and planes than it would buy, and ignore the impact of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

Passage of the bill came after bipartisan rejection of two amendments offered by the House Progressive Caucus that would have arbitrarily cut resources from the Pentagon without any supporting justification or change of strategy.

  • Overall, the House's National Defense Authorization Act has its downsides
  • Some ill-advised policies still made their way into the final legislation
  • One amendment would give the mayor of Washington, D.C., the same authority over the city's National Guard as governors have within their state
  • Another amendment would bar service members from testifying in legal proceedings related to certain domestic deployments, such as riot control
    1. House Democrats and Republicans alike recognized the current international situation's Impact on the United States and, in a show of support for a strong national defense, authorized $839 billion for the fiscal year 2023 defense budget.
    2. The House’s July 14 vote to approve the annual defense authorization bill represented a bipartisan repudiation of the Biden administration’s fiscal year 2023 defense budget request.
    3. Most of the resources added by the House are dedicated to retaining those elements of the force that the Biden administration ill-advisedly wanted to end, such as some littoral combat ships and some guided missile cruisers, even though they were still necessary for our defense, as well as to cushioning the effects of inflation on the defense budget.
    4. Despite the number of improvements the House defense authorization bill made to the president’s budget request, some ill-advised policies still made their way into the final legislation.
    5. The National Defense Authorization Act, as passed July 14 by the House, authorizes funding levels for defense programs and even pay rates for U.S. troops.
    6. For more than 60 years, both the House and the Senate have come together, usually in strong bipartisan fashion, to produce the National Defense Authorization Act.
    7. Overall, the House’s National Defense Authorization Act has its downsides, and it represents a missed opportunity to implement some of the savings advocated in The Heritage Foundation’s Budget Blueprint.
    8. The Biden administration had proposed a 2023 defense budget that would reduce the size of our armed forces, retire more ships and planes than it would buy, and ignore the impact of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. 


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