Wednesday, July 20, 2022

GOP Battles Biden Decision That Made It Easier for Terrorists to Enter US

Republicans want to mandate that any immigrant who applies for a U.S. visa disclose ties they might have to Iran and its terror affiliates

  • Currently, those seeking entrance into the United States are not asked on immigration forms if they have ties to the hardline Iranian government and its Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), the country's paramilitary fighting force responsible for orchestrating terror attacks on Americans.
  • The bill, led by Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.) and a coalition of 14 lawmakers affiliated with the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), comes on the heels of a Free Beacon report detailing the Biden administration's decision to loosen immigration laws so that individuals with known ties to designated terror groups can more easily enter the country.
  • The legislation, which is likely to garner widespread Republican support but stall in the Democrat-controlled House, would force the State and Homeland Security Departments to "ask about an alien's affiliation with the Iranian state" on visa, permanent residency, and naturalization application forms.

The order was released just weeks before negotiations with Iran over restoring the nuclear deal recommenced

  • Banks and three of his colleagues wrote in a letter to the White House demanding in-depth information about its justification for amending immigration law.
  • "Your administration may be trying to entice Iran back to the deal by using broad executive authorities to weaken the penalties connected to the [foreign terrorist organization] designation without requiring the IRGC and other Iran-supported terrorist organizations to verifiably cease their terrorist activities."

Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.), a cosponsor of the bill and member of the Armed Services Committee, said the legislation "will help ensure these terrorist supporters are barred from our homeland."

  • "Over the last two decades, the IRGC has been responsible for the killing of over 600 US servicemembers and continue to threaten U.S. public officials who dared challenge their terrorism." 

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