Thursday, July 21, 2022

Food Wars: 'The Dark Cult Of Davos Is Trying To Destroy These Farmers'

Dutch farmers are protesting the Dutch government's climate nitrogen-reduction policies

  • Farmers see these policies as an effort to seize their land and claim they are part of a global agenda to control the means of food production
  • Hundreds of Dutch farmers and many truckers are blocking roads and infrastructure that distribute their goods, leaving Netherlands' store shelves empty

'Number Six in Food Exports'

  • The Netherlands is a fraction of the size of the United States, but rivals U.S. in food production, sitting at number six in food exports.
  • Dutch farmers are some of the most knowledgeable and most efficient in the world, and are worth more than their farms.
    1. If Tiananmen Square was a global wake up call on ruthless totalitarianism, then Dutch Farmers are trying to wake up the world on the war against humanity perpetrated by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, etc.
    2. Dutch farmers see it as an effort to seize their land and experts say these climate policies are a part of a global agenda to control the means of food production, that if allowed to play out will end in a global food crisis.
    3. “The dark cult of Devos [World Economic Forum] is trying to destroy these farmers, and obviously, this has major security consequences, not just for the Netherlands, but for all of Europe and the world,” Yon said during a recent interview with Epoch TV’s Crossroads program.
    4. If the government implements their nitrogen reduction policies, the Dutch farmers say most of them will lose their farms and their livelihoods, as well as create massive food insecurity for their country and the world.
    5. Michael Yon, a journalist who has covered numerous major events and who is currently in the Netherlands covering the farmer protests, told The Epoch Times that the Dutch government is not alone in targeting their farmers, many other countries’ farmers are also experiencing the same threat.
    6. Those familiar with the most recent farmer protests in the Netherlands are saying that the Dutch government’s climate nitrogen-reduction policies targeting farmers, actually have a nefarious goal.
    7. Hundreds of Dutch farmers and many truckers are trying to bring attention to the government’s proposed policies which if implemented would effectively handicap the farmers and many would be financially ruined.
    8. In an effort to capture the public’s attention, the Dutch farmers are blocking roads and infrastructure that distribute their goods, leaving Netherlands’ store shelves empty. 

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