Sunday, July 24, 2022

Dirty Liz Cheney Gets Caught OPENLY LYING About Trump's Request for 20,000 National Guard on January 6th

Dirty Liz Cheney is currently leading the most un-American communist show trial in US history. She will not allow any cross-examination of witnesses in order to advance her narrative against President Trump. This is just like Stalin’s Russia. She is proud of this and so is daddy

Show trials are your future

  • The NEW America under Liz Cheney and Nancy Pelosi will no longer allow defendants to respond to their accusers
  • Bret Baier asked Liz Cheney about President Trump's request for 20,000 National Guardsmen and women on January 6th at the US Capitol.
  • Liz Cheney then openly lied and said former Defense Secretary Chris Miller rejected this claim and said Trump NEVER requested the additional National Guard at a January 4 meeting
  • Unfortunately, despite the fact that Baier let her get away with this lie, there is actual footage of Chris Miller and Kash Patel, who both confirm that Trump requested the troops at the January 4th White House meeting
    1. Liz Cheney then openly lied and said former Defense Secretary Chris Miller rejected this claim and said Trump NEVER requested the additional National Guard at a January 4 meeting.
    2. The Gateway Pundit is moving back to Disqus! All of your account information and comment history has been saved and will be uploaded as quickly as possible to Disqus.
    3. RINO Bret Baier actually asked Liz Cheney about President Trump's request for 20,000 National Guardsmen and women on January 6th at the US Capitol. 

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