Monday, July 25, 2022

Democrats Decriminalized Drugs to Help Black People. Black Overdoses Skyrocketed

Among young black men, 15 to 24, the demographic that Democrat and some Republican politicians had particularly taken care to protect from the impact of the so-called "Prison pipeline" through drug decriminalization, overdoses skyrocketed 92%. Among black people 25-44, drug overdoses climbed 55% and even among black people in their sixties, overdoses were up 44%. 2020, the year of the Black Lives Matter race riots, proved particularly deadly to black people due to the black nationalist hate group's insistence on dismantling the criminal justice system.

The number of black people murdered in 2020 rose 62% as the culture of lawlessness unleashed by police defunding, prison releases, court shutdowns and general decriminalization claimed the lives of 5,839 black people.

Combined with the over 2,000 extra overdose black deaths, that's 4,259 added black deaths due to criminal activity in the year when black lives were supposed to finally "Matter".

While black nationalists and their leftist allies falsely accused law enforcement of committing "Genocide", the culture of criminality that they unleashed was so horrifying that a Johns Hopkins report on gun deaths in 2020 found that "In 2020, one out of every 1,000 young Black males was shot and killed." It noted that, "More than half of all black teens who died in 2020-a staggering 52%-were killed by gun violence."

The over 13,000 total black deaths from criminal activity in 2020 and, in particular the catastrophic increases in criminal deaths among young black men, look a lot more like a genocide, but it's a self-inflicted genocide enabled by white wokes who claim to want to save black people from a fictious "Systemic racism" while causing thousands of black deaths.

The CDC's drug overdose death report shows that drug decriminalization proved to be as deadly to black people as the rest of the leftist and black nationalist agenda.

Back in Oregon, black people were twice as likely to die of drug overdoses than white people. 

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