Sunday, July 24, 2022

CDC Says It Performed Vaccine Safety Data Mining After Saying It Didn't

CDC is saying it has performed vaccine safety data mining and analyses since early 2021

  • The CDC said in an operating procedures document dated Jan. 29, 2021 that it would perform a type of data mining analysis called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR).
  • It also said it would conduct routine surveillance of the data, which is being logged into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
  • But little of the CDC's stated work has been performed.


  • The CDC "lied" about its efforts to monitor the safety database, known as VAERS
  • In their own document on their own website, they state unambiguously what their plans were to monitor VAERS for safety signals
  • CDC has been performing PRRs since Feb 2021
  • Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who has been attempting to get answers from federal agencies throughout the pandemic, told CDC Director Rochelle Walensky in a letter that the disclosure raises questions about whether CDC ever collected the information on vaccine safety it originally claimed it would

Hope That CDC Is 'More Forthcoming'

  • In its response to the Freedom of Information Act request, the CDC said it hasn't done PRR and has no responsibility to do so
  • Now the CDC states that it has in fact been conducting PRR since February 2021
  • The CDC and FDA have been actively engaged in vaccine safety surveillance ever since COVID-19 vaccines have been in use
  • During the first month of their availability, data on anaphylaxis after [the Pfizer and Moderna] COVID vaccines were published, leading to a pause in the use of the vaccine mere weeks after its use was initiated 

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