Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Biden Set to PURGE 27.5% of Army Who Aren't Fully Vaccinated Against COVID with Non-FDA Approved Vaccine

The time is ticking for a quarter of the US army that lacks the second COVID vaccine shot. The Biden gang is ready to purge those in the military who have not received their second jab. The Lid reported yesterday that more than 260,000 servicemen and women in the U.S. military are only partially vaccinated.

Over 500 military personnel are suing the Biden Administration for forcing them to take the COVID vaccine that wasn’t approved by the FDA.

  • According to the Department of Defense, of the more than 268,000 servicemen and women not fully vaccinated, 252,000 are in the Army, or about 27.5%
  • Only 2,983 Marines out of 203,000, or 1.4% are fully vaccinated
  • 5,300 sailors out of more than 389,000 1.35% are partially vaccinated, and 8,285 airmen out of a total of 505,0001.6% are almost fully vaccinated
    1. Currently, more than 260,000 servicemen and women in the U.S. military are only partially vaccinated — that is, they have only received one vaccine shot against Covid instead of two — and are now facing separations and discharges.
    2. In February, Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth laid out the separations policy, declaring, “Army readiness depends on Soldiers who are prepared to train, deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars… Unvaccinated Soldiers present a risk to the force and jeopardize readiness.
    3. Under the Biden Administration, military personnel who refused to take the COVID vaccine were harassed and abused.
    4. Over 500 military personnel are suing the Biden Administration for forcing them to take the experimental vaccine that wasn’t approved by the FDA. 

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