Saturday, July 23, 2022

Biden Has No Right To Declare a National Climate Emergency

The Washington Post reported Monday night that President Joe Biden is "Considering whether to declare a national climate emergency" to "Salvage his stalled environmental agenda and satisfy Democrats on Capitol Hill." A few hours later, the Associated Press reported that the administration would "Hold off" on the announcement as he, presumably, lays the political groundwork to move forward.

We now have senators like Jeff Merkley, who told reporters on Monday that Biden's emergency edict "Unchains the president from waiting for Congress to act," openly undermining their oath to the Constitution by attacking the institution they represent.

Bloomberg reports that an emergency declaration would "Unlock" the president's power to redirect "Federal funding to clean-energy construction." When former President Donald Trump enacted an emergency declaration to reallocate funding earmarked for military projects to build a wall on the U.S. southern border - "a clear attempt to circumvent the legislative branch and one that I hope leads to the Supreme Court overturning the abused National Emergencies Act," I wrote at the time, so save your emails - the entire establishment melted down.

Which brings us to another small problem: There is no emergency.

If every hurricane, heat wave or flood is a justification for unilateral federal executive governance, we will be in a perpetual emergency.

Just as historically high gas prices - driven, in part, by the administration's efforts to create fossil fuels scarcity - are slightly ebbing, Democrats want Biden "To halt crude oil exports, limit oil and gas drilling in federal waters, and direct agencies including the Federal Emergency Management Agency to boost renewable-energy sources." Even if there was an emergency, the notion that diverting some money to prop up unreliable energy sources or subsidize more electric car production is going to do anything to change the trajectory of the climate is a risible claim.

The real emergency is that we have a lawless party pushing lawlessness.

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