Friday, July 22, 2022

Biden Fires Trump-Appointed Immigration Judges

The Biden administration has canned several immigration judges, all appointed by Trump, and replaced them with "Progressive" magistrates.

We write about your decision to terminate the employment of multiple immigration judges who were hired during the Trump Administration.

FACT-O-RAMA! Immigration judges determine which illegal immigrants can stay and which will be deported.

The immigration courts are supposed to give people who are seeking to remain in the United States or have violated the immigration law a fair review of any claims they have made.

The Biden administration is trying to turn the immigration court into, essentially, a free candy store, so that anyone who appears in front of the immigration court winds up getting some kind of benefit or being allowed to stay in the United States.

They also seem to be in a strange position of dismissing immigration judges who are appointed under President Trump and then trying to replace them with people who meet their own ideological framework.

Biden is looking to add another 100 judges by October, ensuring years of immigration invasions. 

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