Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Are We Free By Right or Not?

The COVID-19 response has raised questions regarding freedom in Western societies that we thought a few years ago were settled

  • Is freedom something we are allowed, or granted?
  • Or is it a trait we are born with, and cannot be removed?
  • What is the status, now or in the future, of a child born into slavery or a camp in Xinjiang?

The COVID-19 Crisis Should Awaken, Not Enslave Us

  • Society's creeping acceptance of anchoring basic human rights to medical status
  • Medical coercion has emerged from the shadows into the mainstream of public health
  • The vaccine mandates have been fought with logic
  • Demonstrating the sheer absurdity of a general mandate for a disease that targets a well-defined population group (old age and co-morbidities), that does nothing to stop spread(i.e., no protection for others), and against which most are already better protected by natural immunity is an easy argument to make
  • Small tactical victories based on logic will not win a war. If health fascism is to be dealt with as was the Nazism of a previous era, highlighting particular logical flaws will not be enough

Freedom Is a Birth-right, Not a Reward

  • If we acknowledge that "all humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights" (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), and that there's something intrinsically valuable about being "human," then certain consequences must follow.
  • Common good approaches view humans as mere lumps of biology based on a complex series of chemical reactions. An individual has no fundamental rights, no fundamental worth, apart from the crowd. The future of the individual only makes sense where it benefits the whole.

Opposing Mandates Based on Science Alone Acknowledges Authoritarianism

  • Claiming natural immunity as a sole exclusion from COVID-19 vaccine mandates is no more logical than ignoring it.
  • Basing the argument on logic alone feeds the needs of those who would own us, and subjugates us as subject only to the laws of biology, not those of being. This is not freedom.

Freedom Has a Cost

  • Human rights cannot be dependent on compliance with public health officials or politicians
  • Respecting individual sovereignty doesn't exclude sanctions on those who intentionally do harm
  • Cases of malfeasance are tested in court
  • Certain high-risk countries require evidence of yellow fever vaccination for inbound travel
  • In the light of recent events, we need to weigh such requirements transparently and carefully



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