Tuesday, July 19, 2022

AOC Pretended to Be Handcuffed at Baby Murder Activist Rally in Front of SCOTUS

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other radical leftist members of Congress wanted to get arrested while virtue signaling in front of the Supreme Court

  • They were sorely disappointed when law enforcement simply escorted them to a separate area without handcuffing them
  • That didn't stop AOC from at least pretending to get handcuffed, making for a wonderful photo op to rally the radicals behind their abortion-on-demand cause
  • Fellow Squad member Ilhan Omar joined in on the pantomime: Both are pretending they got arrested.

Police Detain AOC Outside Supreme Court During Pro-Abortion Protest

  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., joined pro-abortion demonstrators Tuesday outside the Supreme Court less than a month after the justices overruled Roe v. Wade in a landmark decision.
  • Protesters blocked the street until police officers arrested and escorted the protesters away for blocking traffic while calling for a return to abortion on demand.



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