Thursday, July 21, 2022

2000 Mules Investigators Make Bombshell Discovery...Identify Out-of-State Residents Considered "Important individuals" At TCF Center On Election Day and Day After

The individuals they have identified are North Carolina residents and were in Detroit, specifically in critical areas around the TCF Center, where absentee ballots from the November 2020 election were being counted for over 24 hours after the polls closed in Michigan.

According to Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht, the "Important individuals" they have identified can be tied to four key locations linked to the election and post-election activity directly around the TCF Center.

In February 2020, the Gateway Pundit was able to confirm the existence of early morning ballot drops in the back hallway of the TCF Center on the morning after the November 2020 election with the surveillance video they exclusively purchased from the TCF Center.

Three men jump out of the vehicle and begin to unload over 50 USPS absentee ballot transfer boxes filled with absentee ballots from the van onto the counting floor of the TCF Center.

"Multiple GOP challengers on the scene would later report them as being positively identified as ballots. Former State Elections Director Chris Thomas, who was assigned to the TCF center as Senior Advisor to City Clerk Janice Winfrey, will later state in a deposition:"No absentee ballots.

Approximately one hour later, the black escort car arrives again at the TCF Center, contacts a supervisor or election official inside who exits through the door of the counting room into the hallway where he hands the escort driver something through the window and as the black vehicle leaves the TCF Center hallway, the white van reappears, and several men begin to unload more boxes of ballots.

The white van that was given entry into the back hallways of the TCF Center on the day after the election was registered to the city of Detroit. 

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