Monday, June 27, 2022

The Plot Behind Covid

One of the saddest aspects of the fake propaganda about Covid-19 is that it is being used to stir up hostility toward China. Brain-dead Biden and the gang of neocons that controls him would like nothing better than to inflame the American people for a war against China.

Recent incidents:

  • An 84-year-old Thai American man was brutally shoved in San Francisco and later died
  • In Oakland, California, a young man shoved three elderly people to the ground from behind in the city’s Chinatown neighborhood, knocking out one
  • And this week, a 36-year old Asian man in New York's Chinatown neighborhood was stabbed and taken to a hospital in critical condition

As the coronavirus upends American life, Chinese-Americans face a double threat

  • Not only are they grappling with how to avoid the virus itself, they are also contending with growing racism in the form of verbal and physical attacks.
  • In interviews over the past week, nearly two dozen Asian-Americans across the country said they were afraid to go grocery shopping, travel alone on subways or buses, to let their children go outside.

The Chinese shouldn't be blamed for the virus

  • Ron Unz has argued that Covid-19 was part of an American biological warfare campaign against China
  • We must surely consider the possibility that the COVID-19 outbreak was not at all accidental, but instead constituted a deliberate attack against China, occurring as it did near the absolute height of the international tension with America, and therefore suggesting that elements of our own national security apparatus were the most obvious suspects

"These sorts of implications are hardly surprising to those who have been following my own writings of the last couple of years, but they obviously have vastly greater impact when made by top mainstream scholars writing in one of America's most influential academic journals."

  • Although the two authors are careful to avoid touching upon the central thesis of my own articles, their analysis is entirely consistent with that framework. 

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