Monday, June 27, 2022

Biden Voters Took Trump's Economy for Granted, Now We're on the Brink of Ruin - Republicans Need to Fix It

In other words, Americans were nearly twice as optimistic about the Trump economy as they are today.

American voters want measurable results from Washington, D.C., not meaningless rhetoric.

Biden himself has been involved in national politics for five decades.

Even his most ardent supporters would be hard-pressed to name five ways that Biden has solved any of America's problems over the last 50 years.

Career politicians like Biden lament "The system" being broken, yet they've shaped the entire system since the New York Knicks won their last NBA championship.

So when voters switched to Biden in 2020, they took those results for granted in favor of a more mild and supposedly unifying president.

Let the 50-year Joe Biden experience serve as a warning for 2022 midterm hopefuls. 

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