Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Great Replacement Switcheroo

For the past quarter-century, black academics, intellectuals and activists have been screaming from the rooftops about the devastating impact of mass third world immigration on African Americans.

Black workers didn't need to wait for the reports.

In 2006, black day laborer John Henry Ford was interviewed by The Washington Post while he was standing on a street corner in Washington, D.C., looking for work amid a crowd of Hispanics.

The entire story of black people in America from slavery to civil rights has been replaced in toto by the "Diversity" regime.

Nothing like the industrial-scale replacement of black Americans.

No matter what you say or do, no matter what I say or do, the Anti-Defamation League just needs to call us "White supremacists," and 90% of black people will line up to vote for the Democrats.

To the extent that anyone's being replaced, it's you, black Americans. 

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