Wednesday, June 1, 2022

For Your Consideration

This is a debate worth having. The political left-wing denizens from top to bottom and that includes left wing globalist billionaires have serious problems dealing with climate change facts. They cling to their unscientific claims that global warming is a consequence of human activities. It is a political issue to them. Not a scientific one. Their claims are easily debunked when facts are part of the scientific discussion. Left wing assertions are not facts. You remember former Vice President Al Gore produced in 2006 a whole wrath of predictions based on global warming warnings. None of his dire predictions have come true. Not one. The same can be said about a whole bunch of past predictions of coming calamities from both global warming and global cooling alarmists. Far too many of these poor souls think weather on earth is impacted by human activities and if we don't do something to stop our behavior bad things will happen. Facts are Facts. Consider these facts.
     Global warming and global cooling periods have happened all through the earth's history. 
     Global warming and global cooling events happened in the past even before humans had any ability to influence the weather. 
     Co2 is not a dangerous gas at certain levels for earthly life as claimed by some scientists. 
     Co2 is a necessary gas for life on earth. It is necessary for all plant life on earth.
     Co2 Is a necessary gas to sustain both animal and human life.
     Without plant life there would be no living animals or humans on earth because we would have nothing to eat.
     Co2 levels were far higher in past global warming times than current levels on earth. Plant life flourished. The earth was not destroyed.
     Human, plant and animal life flourishes during global warming events because plant life flourishes. Food is plentiful.
     Humans and animals suffer during global cooling periods because plant life is in short supply and freezing weather is harsh. 
     Claims that humans are responsible for climate change is a left-wing oriented falsehood designed to scare people and extract funds from rich countries and give them to poor countries.
     Climate change alarmism is a left-wing socialist oriented political scam.
     Most scientific climate change studies have one serious flaw. They do not consider natural causes. Only human causes are considered. That is by design and is part of the scam.
     By limiting studies to human causes climate change scientific studies will produce logical but erroneous, misleading and even false outcomes. That is not sound science. Real science considers all known potential causes. 
     Honest scientists have produced huge amounts of evidence describing all the natural causes for climate change. But they are ignored, ridiculed or debunked by climate alarmists to protect the scam.
     Some of the natural causes include Sun cycles that elevates and depresses levels of it's solar output causing the alternating global warming and cooling cycles. The Sun is the most prominent cause for climate change
     Other potential causes are shifts in ocean and wind currents, hydrothermal vents, volcano eruptions which block sunlight, slight shifts of the earth's axis, solar and galactic changes. There are more influencers but all have nothing to do with human activity. 
     Human activity can, however, harm our earth which demands we take all legitimate steps necessary to protect the earth's health and its ability to sustain human, animal and plant life.
Can anyone disprove any of these facts?  For those who doubt, here are some links to websites that provide factual evidence that human activities do not cause climate change.

George Burns


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