HadCRUT 4 was of first-year undergraduate quality, i.e. it wasn't fit for purpose, so it wasn’t fit to be used as a climate model. See This article links to others: Claims of 70 problems found with key temperature dataset used by climate models.
Professor Hermann Harde slams politicians for reacting to increasingly shrill climate horror stories and believing they can save the world
- Many of the research studies and "horror scenarios" are not based on a secure physical foundation, he says, “represent computer games that reflect what was fed in".
The idea that humans can control the climate with their CO2 emissions is said to be an "absolute delusion"
- There exists considerable doubt about a "scientifically untenable thesis" of purely human-caused climate change, "and it is completely wrong to assume that 97% of climate scientists, or even more, would assume only anthropogenic warming".
- Climate and energy policy can only gain popular acceptance when they are based on reliable knowledge and not on speculations or belief.
Professor Harde's research leads him to state that the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change overestimates by five times the thermal effect of doubling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
- The recent increase in CO2 has caused warming of less than 0.3°C over the last century, of which Germany is only involved with 2.1%
- Changes of our climate can be traced back to natural interaction processes that exceed our human influence by orders of magnitude
- Science must not be misled by commerce, politics or ideology
- It is the genuine task of universities and state-funded research institutions "to investigate contradictory issues and to ensure independent, free research that gives us honest answers"
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