Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Four Reasons Real Science Fails to Sway Vaccine Mandators and Otherwise Lucid People

It's not like an actual vaccine in which permanent immunity is established in one or two treatments.

One would think it's crystal clear that the vaccines in general and the Pfizer vaccine in particular are not delivering anywhere close to what was promised to the hundreds of millions around the world who have taken their jabs.

We were lied to when they said the vaccines would allow people to regain their freedoms, take off their masks, and enjoy life like before the pandemic.

Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of Covid after Taking Carnival Cruise to Belize - 27 People Total Tested Positive For Covid Aboard Ship - ALL VACCINATED. With all of the data pointing to the utter failure of the vaccines, especially the now-FDA-approved Pfizer jabs, why does it seem like the masses are still embracing them? If anything, we're seeing MORE exuberance among the vaccinated to get the unvaccinated to either take the jabs or exit society altogether.

Mark Twain may or may not have said, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." Whether he said it or not is irrelevant here because the sentiment is true and fully applicable to the current vaccine debate.

I've talked about the facts that should make people reject the vaccines.

Two doses of the Pfizer vaccine plus a booster shot may not be enough to protect from new variants. 

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