Thursday, August 26, 2021

'Profound abuse': Judge disciplines pro-Trump lawyers over election lawsuit

judge on Wednesday sanctioned Sidney Powell and other lawyers who sued in Michigan to overturn Democratic President Joe Biden's election victory over Donald Trump, and suggested they might deserve to lose their law licenses.

In a highly anticipated written ruling, U.S. District Judge Linda Parker in Detroit said the pro-Trump lawyers, including Powell and prominent litigator Lin Wood, should have investigated the Republican former president's voter fraud claims more carefully before filing what Parker called a "Frivolous" lawsuit.

The judge also ordered the lawyers to attend classes on the ethical and legal requirements for filing legal claims.

The judge said Powell, Wood, and other lawyers who worked with them "Have scorned their oath, flouted the rules, and attempted to undermine the integrity of the judiciary along the way."

In a written decision last December, Parker said Powell's voter fraud claims were "Nothing but speculation and conjecture" and that, in any event, the Texas lawyer waited too long to file her lawsuit.

Starting in January, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and other government lawyers asked the judge to discipline the pro-Trump lawyers, saying they had filed a frivolous lawsuit full of typos and factual errors and should be held accountable.

Parker on Thursday also ordered the pro-Trump lawyers to reimburse election officials for the cost of defending the lawsuit. 

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