Friday, August 27, 2021

House Democrats Pass Bill To Steal Elections The Old-Fashioned Way

It is appropriate that House Democrats wore masks at their press conference following passage along party lines of their bill allowing Democrats to permanently steal every election in America.

Gushing with platitudes about "Voting rights" and "Access to the ballot," they gleefully celebrated the final House vote of 219-215, with no Republicans voting for the federal takeover and bludgeoning of the American voting process.

Because not a single reporter likely bothered to read the "New" House Resolution 4, introduced only days before it was rushed through the House, the fake news loudly echoed Democrats' false claims that this is a voting rights bill.

Such a brazen power grab to ensure Democrats' permanent control of a majority of House seats forever should be the subject of extensive focus, news coverage, and criticism-which might yet happen if some reporter were to actually read the bill rather than regurgitating spurious Democrat talking points anguishing over the state of voting in 1965, none of which apply today.

Earlier this year, Manchin held his ground on the Senate filibuster and opposed Senate Bill 1, the original bill containing the Democrats' federal takeover of the nation's elections.

What happens next with Manchin-and, for that matter, Alaska Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who joined Manchin in May to call for reinstating the preclearance scheme struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2013? The HR 4 Democrats introduced and pushed through the House in a week's time contains none of the provisions that Manchin deemed essential and includes far worse attacks on fair elections than even Murkowski could have imagined.

The bill is a radical leftwing assault on the integrity of America's elections and would permanently reshape and dictate ultimate election outcomes for the rest of our lives. 

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