Friday, August 27, 2021

George Mason University Prof Who Challenged Vaxx Mandate Speaks Out

Zywicki has natural immunity to the virus, and thanks to his own hard work and that of his legal team, Zywicki has been granted.

George Mason University tried to penalize Zywicki for possessing the "Wrong type" of COVID immunity, but he wasn't having it.

Defense against COVID, and Zywicki said it "Protects against a greater array of variants" than the vaccines on the market.

Zywicki also slammed his employer's broad vaccine mandate via a Wall Street Journal op-ed, in which he argued that "There's no justification for a coercive violation of [his] bodily autonomy."

As Zywicki put it, employees who receive the "Low-quality Chinese vaccines such as the Sinovac vaccine, which the WHO concluded. was only 51 percent effective at preventing symptomatic disease, and the Sinopharm vaccine, which has performed so poorly that some countries are. systematically revaccinating. their populations with higher-quality options," meet GMU's vaccine requirements.

Zywicki quickly concluded that he shouldn't get the COVID vaccine.

Incessantly promotes vaccines, Zywicki said, "Most people just don't have the wherewithal to understand this." 

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