Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Nurses Are the Coronavirus Heroes

It's 1 a.m. A nurse I have known for a long time said to me as she left the shift, "In 18 years, I never felt the need to take a shower in the staff locker room so I could feel safe to go home." Earlier she was at the bedside in a negative pressure room, wearing a powered air-purifying respirator as she helped intubate a possible coronavirus patient who'd crashed.

Nurses are the underappreciated heroes of this crisis.

If you wonder who actually sticks the swabs into the noses of worried patients, it's the nurses.

Moving in and out of negative-pressure rooms, putting protective equipment on and taking it off, nurses are caring for elderly patients who are severely ill and sometimes crashing.

The nurses marinate in risk as they spend the greatest amount of time with the patient.

How critical are nurses to the capacity of the health system? The number of nurses staffing the hospital determines its capacity.

Everyone is playing a part-but none are more important than the nurses.


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