Friday, March 27, 2020

Media Peddle Bogus Wuhan Virus Stats To Bash America

When Donald Trump tweeted this week that the United States had performed more coronavirus tests than any other country, the media were upset.

Trump being Trump, he'd also said the United States had done more tests in eight days than South Korea had done in eight weeks.

PolitiFact calculated the United States had done 17,582 fewer tests than South Korea during that time period.

LiveScience said the United States had done 43,790 fewer tests than South Korea during that time period.

Their own disparity notwithstanding, other media outlets pointed out merely that South Korea is a much smaller country than the United States.

Many in the media don't just believe them but enthusiastically relish the claim that the United States has more people infected with the coronavirus than China does.

While Washington state had the earlier significant outbreak of the novel Chinese Coronavirus, New York is experiencing much worse spread. Further, in the United States of America, each state has the right to respond differently to the outbreak.

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