Monday, March 30, 2020

How Wuhan Residents Are Estimating the True Death Toll...And It's Much Higher Than the Official Number

Residents of Wuhan, China, even know the government is lying about the death toll from COVID-19, and they've figured out as much based on the number of urns funeral homes have been returned to families.

The city has seven large funeral homes, and each has been returning the cremated remains of approximately 500 people to their families every day, and yet, the official government figures put the total death count around 2,500.#Wuhan residents estimate, based on calculations of cremations and urns now being returned to families, that between 42k-46k died in city + surrounding areas in the 2.5 months of lockdown.

Seven funeral homes currently serve Wuhan - a huge conurbation of three cities: Hankou, Wuchang and Hanyang.

Social media users have been doing some basic math to figure out their daily capacity, while the news website reported that 5,000 urns had been delivered by a supplier to the Hankou Funeral Home in one day alone - double the official number of deaths.

Some social media posts have estimated that all seven funeral homes in Wuhan are handing out 3,500 urns every day in total.

Another popular estimate is based on the cremation capacity of the funeral homes, which run a total of 84 furnaces with a capacity over 24 hours of 1,560 urns city-wide, assuming that one cremation takes one hour.

"Anyone looking at that figure will realize, anyone with any ability to think," one Wuhan resident said of the official figure.

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