Saturday, March 2, 2019

Congress Abuses President Trump

As President Trump's former personal lawyer, Cohen can't ethically testify to Congress about his interactions with Trump.

Congress benefitted from this abuse and arguably obtained confidential documents belonging to President Trump in violation of its own rules, the president's rights and the law.

This led to illicit spying on Trump and his team, an attempted coup by pro-Clinton Deep Staters, and the related appointment of a special counsel to try the further the aim of overthrowing President Trump.

We have a federal Freedom of Information Act lawsuit pending for Michael Cohen's alleged influence peddling and fraud related to his attempts to cash in on his relationship with President Trump.

The complaint asks for an investigation of leaks to BuzzFeed suggesting that President Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress.

Neither the abuses of power in an effort to end the Trump presidency, nor Judicial Watch's relentless legal efforts to expose these abuses to the light of day will end soon.

In 2011 yet another federal audit confirmed that the U.S. had lost track of millions who overstayed their visas and two years later the crisis intensified when DHS lost track of 266 dangerous foreigners with expired visas.

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