Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Behind the Green New Deal: An elite war on the working class

At the heart of the GND is a plan to outlaw hydrocarbon energy and produce all electricity from wind, solar and other ­renewables.

The GND would thus be a declaration of war on blue-collar America, imperiling the Trump recovery and its half a million new manufacturing jobs.

Republicans have decried the GND as "Socialist." But whatever its real-world outcomes, and they were horrendous, at least the old socialism in theory sought to advance the economic interests of the working class.

Transplanting such European-style policies across the Atlantic, as the GND essentially aims to do, would kill energy jobs and drive up the price of energy in America.

The drive to subsidize renewable energy led Britain to drop its pledge to abolish fuel poverty.

Energy companies know that the best way to avoid accusations of price gouging is to claim that it's to fight climate change.

Control energy to reverse the ­Industrial Revolution and abolish industrial capitalism - these are the real targets of green ideology.

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