Friday, March 29, 2019

The Media Owes Americans An Apology For Dividing The Country With Collusion Hate Mongering

  1. They include Muslims who claimed Trump supporters removed their hijabs, Americans who tagged public spaces with pro-Ku Klux Klan or anti-Semitic graffiti and claimed the messages were left by hateful right-wingers, and black Americans who claimed to have received hateful and threatening notes penned by racist conservatives, among others.
  2. On the contrary, a reckoning should be coming for a media which, in pursuit of a smoking gun that would validate their discontent with the president, used trumped-up and downright false information to lead Americans into hating their friends and loved ones.
  3. In pursuit of a smoking gun that would validate their discontent with the president, media used trumped-up information to lead Americans into hating their friends and loved ones.

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