Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Trump-Russia Collusion Story Sustains Political Polarization

If there were compelling evidence that Donald Trump clandestinely conspired with the Russian government, it's safe to assume that special counsel Robert Mueller would have found it.

The ironclad conclusion of the intelligence community as well as the Mueller investigation found that Russia did indeed work to get Trump elected.

The Trump campaign may have been dishonorably happy for the help, but that's not collusion.

Why should we expect the clamor over Trump's alleged collusion to end any time soon?

Beto O'Rourke, who, like most of his competitors for the Democratic nomination, is trying to personify the collective liberal id, simply ignored the news and proclaimed that he believed "Beyond the shadow of a doubt" that Trump sought to collude with Russia.

Just as there are people irretrievably locked into the idea that Trump is illegitimate, there are legions of people equally committed to the idea that the probe itself was an illegitimate witch hunt, or, in the president's words, an attempted "Illegal takedown."

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