Tuesday, March 26, 2019

CNN comes out looking gross with the federal charges against Avenatti and Geragos

"Less than a year ago, CNN was touting creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti for president of the United States."Never say never," as CNN analyst Chris Cillizza wrote, arguing that if someone as awful as Trump could be president, well that meant Avenatti, a CNN "Legal analyst" at one point, could, too.

Suffice to say, a different picture has emerged with double federal indictment leveled at both him and CNN's other legal analyst, Mark Geragos, with the pair of them apparently working as a tag team to shake down publicly traded Nike for as much as $26.5 million.

Geragos, who is a lawyer, according to a Washington Post report quoting his professors, rarely went to class at law school, so it's also quite possible the hotshot lawyer employed as a "Legal analyst" by CNN literally didn't know it was against the law for lawyers to extort the way mob thugs do.

Look at how gross it is - here's the first summary of what Avenatti and Geragos did and what they wanted for it.

What a la-la land fool Avenatti was to think that his celebrity status, leveraged from his CNN appearances, was good for a multi-million-dollar shakedown from a Fortune 100 company.

The whole picture here seems to show that Avenatti and Geragos are crooks.

Assuming the charges are accurate and hold up in court, that leaves the fact on the table that Avenatti became a "Made man" through his associations with the press, particularly CNN, and being a less than honest person as the charges suggest, he used that forked-over fame to make even more money, shaking down Nike.


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