are bits of history that have been collected over time and are provided
to help us link the factual past to current events. As the items will
show all too often the history we read today has been selectively
altered, even eliminated, to fit desired narratives meant to deceive for
nefarious purposes. Provided for your consideration.
item reveals that history is being rewritten right before our eyes.
Stay alert to this travesty.
is a history lesson worth reading. It examines the role played by evil
people who bankroll efforts to turn America into a socialist cesspool.
They are only interested in their selfish desire to control what we know
and seek to fulfill their dream of control over us all. Quote: "Elite
money created Socialist Russia, sustained it, bailed it out, and
propagandized it as a movement of the people. Socialism is a movement
of, by, and for the
That elite cabal continues their quest to socialize us along with the
entire globe. Some may scoff at the notion but a word to the wise is
facts are facts and with history as our guide the true gets revealed.
modern day progressives have forgotten, ignored or written out of
history all together. Quote: "Every form of socialism — from the mild to
the murderous — depends upon government coercion and the curtailment of
liberty — in the forcible redistribution of wealth and in calls for an
ever-lengthening list of “free” public services. It is more than a
little disturbing that so many Americans have jumped on the progressive
bandwagon. The real poverty trap is socialism. Free enterprise — the
combination of freedom and enterprise — is what has made America great,
and it has also been the key to spreading greater opportunity and
prosperity in other parts of the world. Crosby Kemper III is
chairman of the Show-Me Institute and Rex Sinquefield is the president
of the Institute. Andrew B. Wilson, the Institute’s senior writer and a
long-time contributor to The American Spectator,
was a co-writer of this essay, which appears in the Institute’s
just-released 2017 annual report — examining the 100-year history of
socialism as a “Failed Idea That Refuses to Die.”
are historical facts that socialist Democrats definitely do not want us
to know. Progressive historians have worked hard over the years
purging inconvenient facts from our nation's history because they do not
fit today's left wing narratives that suit global elites. Narratives
which serve their interests and not the interests of the people. Quote:
"Up to one-half of all the arrivals
in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America’s
first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever
were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White
slaves were enslaved too. Whites
were auctioned on the block with children sold and separated from their
parents and wives sold and separated from their husbands. Free Black
property owners strutted the streets of northern and southern American
cities while White slaves were worked to death in the sugar mills of
Barbados and Jamaica and the plantations of Virginia. The
Establishment has created the misnomer of “indentured servitude” to
explain away and minimize the fact of White slavery. But bound Whites in
early America called themselves slaves. Nine-tenths of the White
slavery in America was conducted without indentures of any kind but
according to the so-called “custom of the country,” as it was known,
which was lifetime slavery administered by the White slave merchants
themselves. In George Sandys laws
for Virginia, Whites were enslaved “forever.” The service of Whites
bound to Berkeley’s Hundred was deemed “perpetual.” These accounts have
been policed out of the much touted “standard reference works” such as
Abbott Emerson Smith’s laughable whitewash, Colonists in Bondage."
progressive and political left elites are behind so much fake history
it is frightening. Among other things they ply Cultural Marxism with
intent to destroy harmony among the races. This piece provides the
history that belies these hate filled distortions. Quote: "In the
pseudo Marxism of Identity Politics, the white race is the villain,
especially the white heterosexual male, and racial minorities, women,
and homosexuals are the victims. There is, of course, no such thing as a
white or black race. There are many different nationalities of whites,
and they have done a good job throughout history of killing each other.
Similarly, there are many different black tribes and Asian ethnicities
who also have fought more among themselves than with others. But all of
this goes by the wayside, along with the fact that in the world the
“racial minorities” are actually majorities and the “white majority” is
actually a minority. There are more Chinese or Indians alone than there
are white people. But orchestrated histories are not fact-based." And,
"The ruling elite favors a “conversation on race,” because the ruling
elite know it can only result in accusations that will further divide
society. Consequently, the ruling elite have funded “black history,”
“women’s studies,” and “transgender dialogues,” in universities as a way
to institutionalize the divisiveness that protects them. These
“studies” have replaced real history with fake history. For example, it
was once universally known that black slavery originated in slave wars
between black African tribes. Slaves were a status symbol, but they
accumulated beyond the capacity of tribes to sustain. The surplus was
exported first to Arabs and then to English, Spanish, and French who
founded colonies in the new world that had resources but no work force.
The socialist scholar Karl Polanyi, brother of my Oxford professor
Michael Polanyi, told the story of the origin of the African slave trade
in his famous book, Dahomey and the Slave Trade. The first
slaves in the new world were white. When real history was taught, this
was widely understood. Movies were even made that showed that in King
George III’s England, the alternative to criminal punishment was to be
sold as a slave in the colonies." And, "Slavery had existed for many
centuries prior to the Confederacy. Yet, in some accounts today one
comes away with the impression that the South invented slavery. As the
tale sometimes goes, Southern racists so hated blacks that they went to
Africa, captured blacks at great expense, only to return them to the
South where they whipped and abused their investments to the point of
death and demoralized their work force by breaking up black families,
selling children in one direction and wives and husbands in the other.
This tale is not told as an occasional abuse but as the general
practice. Economically, of course, it makes no sense whatsoever. But
facts are no longer part of American history." There is much
this be a reminder of just how deceitful and corrupt the whole of the
Democrat party really is. Proud blacks should run away from this
corrupt party as fast as they can.
More about the Democratic party's dark history with blacks.
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