Sunday, July 29, 2018

Lawless Washington

It is useless for conservatives to hope laws against political corruption and violating national security information and colluding with unsavory types will ever apply to leftists.

The Clintons' utter disregard for both the law and ethical behavior stretches back to Bill's ghastly reign of depravity and dishonesty in Arkansas and Bill's term as president was perhaps the most lawless in American history.

Conservatives cannot win a game of who behaved worse and who broke what laws because the left is entirely immune to any real sanction for bad behavior, patent dishonesty, and violation of laws and regulations.

The Establishment - not just the media, but all the agencies of government and particularly the criminal justice system - is either hopelessly myopic or purely cynical about the enforcement of laws dealing with government, national security, and the like.

This has nothing to do with the letter of the law but rather the much more important enforcement of the law.

His "Crime" was so trivial, so problematic, and so ambiguous that it is impossible to doubt that he was like a black in Mississippi seventy years ago being tried before the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, which trumpeted its interest in enforcing the law.

Then Trump ought to convene a commission to review all the laws and regulations with recommendations of repeal of as many laws as possible and the creation of a special counsel law for the investigation and prosecution of all of these "Crimes" which remain on the books. 

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