Friday, July 27, 2018

Things to Think About 4

Telling the truth about who the real traitors are. Quote: "Trea·son (/ˈtrēzən) Noun. Definition: Saying stuff Democrats disagree with."

This item provides insights into the antics that the political left routinely do that undermines our very nation.

This former liberal explains why she bolted from the Democrat party.  Quote: "On this Fox and Friends segment, a former Democrat explains why she now supports Trump. The two-time Obama voter has joined Americans across the country to leave the extremist, left-wing party in favor of Republicans. Antonia Okafor — an African-American — has emerged a forceful conservative voice that bases her political transformation on fiscal and social responsibility. Although Democrats have tried to shame African-Americans into voting for their party, Okafor has bucked the trend and shrugged off the pressure."

Joe Lieberman is so very right.  Quote: "Joe Lieberman: If Democratic-Socialism is our Future, We’re in Trouble. Joe Lieberman has long been many Republicans favorite Democrat. Not because he’s particularly conservative but because he’s an honest, well-meaning politician… and there aren’t many of those around anymore."

It has been noted that the political left is filled with all kinds of "great ideas".  This one should catch your eye.  Far left wing socialist Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren just revealed one of her recent great ideas. See if you like it: "Sweeping Republican tax cuts have given 90 percent of wage earners higher take-home pay this year. But Democrats want to take that away under the guise of fairness. (Gateway PunditElizabeth Warren told CNBC Democrats will end the Trump tax cuts if they take power in November.  Warren also promoted a 50% tax hike on American earners. For the socialist Democrat, whose views have become mainstream in her party, surrendering half of your salary to the conspicuously wasteful, notoriously inefficient federal government constitutes paying your fair share."

How about a dose of reality???  Quote: "With the breakup of the USSR, Russia has been reduced to two-thirds of the territory and half the population of the Soviet Union. Its former republics and now neighbors Georgia and Ukraine are hostile. Its space launches are now done from a foreign land, Kazakhstan. Its economy has shrunk to the size of Italy’s. It has one-tenth the population and one-fifth the economy of its looming neighbor, China, and, except for territory, is even more dwarfed by the United States with a GDP of $20 trillion, and troops, bases and allies all over the world. Most critically, Russia’s regime is no longer Communist. The ideology that drove its imperialism is dead. There are parties, demonstrations and dissidents in Russia, and an Orthodox faith that is alive and promoted by Putin. Where, today, is there a vital U.S. interest imperiled by Putin? Better to jaw-jaw, than war-war, said Churchill. He was right, as is President Trump to keep talking to Putin — right through the Russophobia rampant in this city."

If one is pondering treason this man could well be a candidate.  Quote: "The Mueller investigation has now cost the American taxpayers nearly $20 million. Five Americans have been indicted for crimes that had nothing to do with Donald Trump or the 2016 elections. One Hispanic immigrant (or possibly an anchor baby) in Santa Paula, CA has pleaded guilty to knowingly helping a Russian group steal “tens of thousands of dollars” in an identity theft racket in the 2016 election season. TENS OF THOUSANDS, PEOPLE! 26 Russians have been indicted for petty crimes. House Republicans are preparing to file Articles of Impeachment against Mueller’s boss — Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — for refusing to turn over documents related to false FISA warrant applications that allegedly started the entire fake Russian narrative. Hopefully they will follow through and fire him, and that will be the first step in ending Mueller’s pointless witch hunt."

You know of Whoopie Goldberg of TV and movie fame and who serves on the panel on ABC's The View.  You know also that she is a very opinionated person with a far left wing bias. She has obvious hatred of Trump specifically and conservatives generally. She and Judge Jeanine Pirro recently got into a tiff on the show and Whoopie lost control of her senses and was most disrespectful to Judge Pirro. Pirro was on the show to discuss her new book but Whoopie wanted to rail about Trump and would not let Pirro talk about her book. A number of pieces have been written about the disgusting behavior exhibited by Whoopie.  This piece is a fair representation of what happened.   This is not the first time she and other liberal panel members have disrespected conservative guests on the show.  This next item fills out the rough up between Whoopie and Pirro.    She and Democrat Representative Maxine Waters, a well known rabble rouser who literally hates Trump and stirs up hatred, are troubled soul mates.  They, unfortunately, represent the irresponsible and disgusting behavior of so many members of the political left/Democrat party. It illustrates the consequences of the hatred people such as these spew?   Can Democrats really be proud of supporting such disrespectful, destructive and racist behavior???

By now everyone should know how ugly and disrespectful Whoopie Goldberg is of people who do not subscribe to her opinions.  This item provides Jeanine Pirro's reaction to the ugly confrontation Whoopie launched against her.  The difference is striking.  Whoopie should learn a life lesson if she takes the time to listen to Pirro unlike her disrespectful tirade where she did not let Pirro speak on her visit to The View. Unfortunately Whoopie is a typical liberal who believes only the people of the left have anything ligitamate to offer humanity.  She does not understand that history is filled with the proof that her leftist socialist way of thinking and behaving have led to multiple global disasters and the loss of millions of innocent lives.  Watch this video of Pirro's response.    Whoopie should hang her head in shame and learn to listen to others.  She might actually learn something.

This item help establish the rank hypocrisy of Trump haters of all stripes who are hawking hateful and untrue charges of all types as well as foolishly claiming Trump commited treason for meeting with Putin. Their past actions prove their own dishonesty, disrespectfulness and grossly hypobolic behavior.  They have no case to render given their own past behavior.  They need to grow up and admit they have no case instead acting like a bunch self righteous and petulant children.

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