Friday, August 18, 2017

Newsworthy items 4

These are the people the political left support.  Ask yourself if this makes even a little bit of sense.    There can be no question that the political left is aligned with evil.  This item helps make the point.   Quote: "For the past decade or so, and on a broader scale the past half century, those on the left have dominated political discourse, not necessarily by having superior ideology, but by drowning out any semblance of intelligent discussion by playing the emotional game and shouting louder than any disagreement ever could."   And, "We’ve seen this with abortion, climate change, transgender issues, race relations, and virtually every subject that has ever been the center of political discussion. The strategy even extends to their nomenclature: Namely, calling themselves “progressives”. Let’s take a look at some of the lengthy strides the “Progressives” have made in the name of advancing society."

This is what is happening in France.  It is what happens everywhere Muslims establish a stronghold.  They do not integrate with the local population.  Rather they segregate and when strong enough numbers are present they start forcing themselves and their political/religious agenda on the locals.

This lady is 100% correct.    No matter how hard the left plays their murderous game they cannot escape the truth Alveda King exposes.

This is a really good piece shared by Charles.  Here is what he says.  Quote: "Shortly after release of the movie Bonnie and Clyde I asked my grandmother (who lived in the western states since the late 1800’s) about how the public was depicted as supporting the pair.  That question launched her into an immediate recall of how the banks, in that era, were considered to be villains for repossessing so much farm and ranch land after the depression.  During your and my childhoods banking reforms were finally enacted by the government.  Per the current events reported on below governments around the globe — not to mention the good ol USA — are raiding the henhouse along with the foxes.  Along with my grandmother I DON’T trust the banking system."

The continuing rants by this disgusting woman suggests she truly is evil to her very core.    If anyone qualifies as being a racist she does.

A fellow FBI agent outs his feelings regarding former FBI Director Comey.  It is not good.  Quote: "Comey’s cowardice and lack of integrity is further exemplified in his surreptitious disclosure of confidential information through an intermediary to the New York Times.  Comey has created a disgraceful legacy."   So, tell me why Trump is being investigated and not him, Obama, Hillary, Lynch and Holder to name just a few real criminals?

This may make some people uncomfortable.  The truth usually does.  Regardless of whether you like Rush or not, he tells the truth.  This piece points out the total hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Political left.  Truth is not on the side of the political left no matter how hard they try to convince us otherwise.  This quote is the documented truth. "I’m telling you that Barack Obama invited Black Lives Matter to the White House and honored them after Ferguson and after Baltimore. You’re not supposed to mention that, but there were two sides to this thing."  And, so is this,  "This is about violence between two hate groups with no association with Donald Trump or the Republican Party, but the media is doing everything it can to associate the Nazis and the skinheads and the white supremacists with not just Trump, but the Republican Party. That’s why the Republican Party, everybody in it ran to the microphones and condemned it. They did everything, ’cause they know that if they don’t go out and say that, the Drive-Bys and everybody else on the left are gonna do everything they can to associate this with the Republican Party. When the fact remains that on the line of ideological trace, both of these groups are extreme leftists. The Nazis were not on the right of anything, and white supremacists are not on the right of anything. All of these groups are to the left of center. But the Republican Party knows that they had to come out and condemn this or else, which takes me back to Trump’s statement. Now, somebody besides Trump had input in this statement, and you have to ask yourself: Was there nobody in the White House comms office who knew that the statement that Trump made was going to cause this? Is there nobody who knew this? Somebody in that comms office had to know that a statement like this was going to provide fodder for exactly what is happening now. (interruption) What do you mean, what would I have done different? Name the names! If you’re gonna go out, instead of condemning all sides or both sides, say it!"

Remember who invited people like this into our was Obama and fanatical political leftists.  People as noted in this and previous notes who seemingly by their acceptance of Muslim radicals into our country want them to help destroy our country.   I must say they are doing a really good job.

The more we learn about the unethical DNC the more we understand how Anti-American and immoral it is.  To save face they blame Trump for the bad deeds they do such as claim it was Trump who colluded with the Russians and providing them cover to launch an investigation to prove their lie. All the while the guilt lies squarely on their dirty shoulders.

George Burns

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