Friday, August 25, 2017

Newsworthy Items 2

These pieces suggest that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is not the boy scout he has been made out to be by the political left.  This raises concerns that his leftist political bias and questionable ethics will control his ongoing investigation of the Trump - Russia connection.   And,  And,

If this is true it would be a tragedy.  Average people do not receive such consideration when charged with the multiple horrendous crimes she has committed much less the mountain of lies she has told.   I understand the chaos that would follow if charged, prosecuted and jailed.  Still, getting her to finally admit guilt would be sweet. 

Look at this piece and think about all the many other times Obama, Hillary, Kerry and others in his administration huddled with Putin and tell me who the "real" Russian collaborators are.   Your will also remember before his second term in office Obama leaned over to the Russian Prime Minister and told him (paraphrasing what was caught on a hot mic) to tell "Putin to be patient.  I will have more flexibility after my reelection." Notification given that he would collude with Russia once reelected.

The ever increasing role of Islam in American life is reality.  Michigan is the proverbial bird in the coal mine.  Bad things are happening.  If you do not believe this you need to read this link. Quote: "Now, Michigan may be headed towards becoming the first state in American history to elect a Muslim governor, a man named Dr. Abdul el-Sayed.  At only 32, el-Sayed has accomplished a lot already; he’s a doctor, a teacher, and a possible candidate for the governor of one of the largest states in the US. What’s troubling is that el-Sayed is backed by the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization, and would be stepping into a position of extreme power in a state that is already experiencing a massive threat of Islamic takeover. The thing is, the Muslim Brotherhood, who has been quite clear on their goals of taking over the United States, uses people like Doctor el-Sayed to achieve power, and then begin working to dominate host areas."    No one can deny this very obvious truth.  It is foolish to believe anything Islam apologista say that seeks to minimize the Muslim threats to this country.

This federal court ruling violates the First Amendment.  Unbelievable.  Quote: " The First Amendment guarantees that the government cannot suppress free speech or favor a religion — but a court in New Jersey is violating both of those promises.
According to a report from the Thomas More Law Center, residents of Bernards Township, New Jersey, have been banned from bringing up the topic of Muslims or Islam at an upcoming public hearing. That public forum is intended to determine whether a mosque should be built in the community.  You read that right: Authorities have essentially banned citizens from uttering the words “Muslim” or “Islam” at a public debate that centers on that very religion." 

You cannot convince me that progressives/liberals are not totally insane.  Read this.  
Week kneed Democrats and progressives bow down to Muslim demands.  Shows their commitment to American principles, customs, culture, laws, citizens and our Constitution.  Don't you think?  Quote: "While anti-Muslim bigotry should be a concern shared by all Americans, the so-called “Islamophobia” epidemic is ultimately fake news (just look at all the Islamophobia hoaxes). Muslims are far better off in the United States than countless war-ravaged Muslim-majority countries, including Syria, Iraq, and Somalia. U.S. civil and criminal laws protect Muslims and non-Muslims equally, despite what grievance-mongers may claim: Muslims (or better yet Islam) aren't any more special than Jews, Christians, Buddhists, or Hindus. By pushing special bills infused with the spirit of privileging certain religious sects, Democrats make a mockery of the law."  

This is a short piece showing that Trump has selected a good man to serve as Surgeon General of the US.  

Good news on the North Korean front.  China stepped up big time.  Quote: "On Sunday, China followed up new UN sanctions on North Korea by giving a pointed warning. “Do not violate the UN’s decision or provoke international society’s goodwill by conducting missile launching or nuclear tests,” said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. China is also supporting the UN sanctions. This financial squeeze was tentatively embraced by the Trump administration, as China has publicly criticized North Korea for its recent missile tests, according to ABC News. The new UN sanctions on North Korea include a ban on imports that could cost the country $1 billion. While American ambassador to the United Nations, South Carolina Republican Nikki Haley, stated that the US “is taking and will continue to take prudent defensive measures to protect ourselves and our allies,” China was congratulated by the US for its “important contributions” to the new sanctions. This is a marked turnaround for Beijing, who just last week joined Russia in denouncing America’s decision to deploy THAAD anti-missile weapons systems to South Korea."

This item reflects on the consequences of flaws in so many bad legal decisions regarding convicted terrorists and their ultimate release for crimes which were really acts of terror.

As history proves and as General Smedley Butler wrote in his classic "War is a Racket" this mosaic of photographs depicts a thousand truths.  This is a disturbing notion if true.  We will have to wait and see.   Let's hope Trump decides not to do this.   This too is troubling.  I think it was William Kennedy who wrote a book I read some years ago that deals with the American empire of overseas military bases.  The notion was that instead of conquering countries we just put military bases in place.

Pat Buchannan proposes a good idea to deal with the North Korean dilemma.  Quote: "When the lesson sinks in that a war on the peninsula would be a catastrophe, and a growing arsenal of North Korean ICBMs targeted on America is intolerable, the question must arise:  Why not move U.S. forces off the peninsula, let South Korean troops replace them, sell Seoul all the modern weapons it needs, and let Seoul build its own nuclear arsenal to deter the North?  Remove any incentive for Kim to attack us, except to invite his own suicide. And tell China: Halt Kim’s ICBM program, or we will help South Korea and Japan become nuclear powers like Britain and France. Given the rising risk of our war guarantees, from the eastern Baltic to the Korean DMZ — and the paltry rewards of the American Imperium — we are being bled from Libya to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen — a true America First foreign policy is going to become increasingly attractive. Kim’s credible threat to one day be able to nuke a U.S. city is going to concentrate American minds wonderfully."

Liberals are determined to propagandize children to accept LBGT as a healthy lifestyle while all indications suggest otherwise.  Debasing our culture is a key ingredient in the progressive agenda.

Irresponsible, unethical, disrespectful, unreasonable, unconscionable, vicious, ugly, mean and hateful behavior is routine for radical leftists.  What is it the compels them to destroy things?  They have no regard for history, liberty, decency.  They are just plain mean.     This of course does not apply to all people of the left.  But, it does in varying degrees apply to large percentage of them.   

Are globalists worshiping pagan gods???  Read this and you decide.

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