Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hillary Clinton: High Priestess of Western Infanticide

Hillary Clinton stands out as the prime purveyor of the practice of infanticide in Western society.  She sells it as a merchant sells his wares and never misses an opportunity to declare a "woman's right to choose" as if the key "choice" involved appears at that juncture instead of at the moment a woman "chooses" to use her body as an amusement park for pleasure any time she is swarmed with desire, with no regard for the meaning and outcome of sexual abandonment.

To Hillary, the inconvenient individual with inimitable DNA who has had the bad manners to appear at an uninvited moment has no right to exist unless the mother is agreeable and so must be swept away into the trash.  No mercy, no compassion, for thee.

The universal icon upon which Christians gaze in prayer and for invocation of mercy is the Crucifix.  The power of the Crucifix emblazons on our spirits the sacredness of the single embodied Son of God.  He is alone in his peril, raised high on a hill for all to witness.  One Person.  This imbues us with deep compassion as we contemplate His agony and abandonment.

Christ created a drama for us to take into our hearts throughout life when He took upon His body our misdeeds in order to display the destruction of evil.  The Cross cries out, "This is what you do to Me!  This is what you do to you" when we act against God, ourselves, and others.

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