Monday, January 11, 2016

Obama’s 4,000-Regulation Dash

President Barack Obama may have only one year left in the White House and face a Congress controlled by Republicans, but that doesn’t mean he’s throwing in the towel on his agenda. On the contrary, reported Politico’s Timothy Noah: “Nearly 4,000 regulations are squirming their way through the federal bureaucracy in the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency — many costing industry more than $100 million — in a mad dash by the White House to push through government actions affecting everything from furnaces to gun sales to Guantánamo.”

That the president would choose to achieve his objectives via bureaucracy hardly comes as a surprise after his first seven years in office.

“The regulatory state has grown under this administration seemingly without regard to the costs, practicality, or even legality, of rules pushed through by federal agencies,” Chamber of Commerce president Thomas Donohue told Noah. “The president’s hurry-up approach of executive orders and rushed rulemakings is no way to govern a representative democracy.”

That is particularly true when the government of that representative democracy (or, more accurately, republic) is supposed to operate under a constitution that vests “all legislative powers” in Congress, leaving the president merely to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

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