Friday, January 29, 2016

Climate Change.

Proponents on both sides of the climate change debate need to read this excellent, well reasoned discussion.  Quote: "Climate scientists are usually clear in their definitions, but that precision tends to get lost in popular discourse. To say that global warming is a fact does not, standing alone, mean that we have to accept a particular causation of that trend. Following from that, we must acknowledge that the climate has changed quite radically through the millennia, and that equally is beyond dispute. Climate change of some scale has happened, is happening, and will happen, regardless of any human activity. The issue today is identifying and assessing the human role in accelerating that process."

As most people know not all scientists agree with global warming alarmist scientists.  This item provides an example. Quote: "49 former NASA scientists and astronauts sent a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden last week admonishing the agency for it’s role in advocating a high degree of certainty that man-made CO2 is a major cause of climate change while neglecting empirical evidence that calls the theory into question."

This esteemed scientist offers cogent remarks that counter the alarmists whose record and use of un-validated models are proven failures and not worthy of supporting policy decisions.

Here is an item suggesting that volcanic activity is a more serious threat than anything man can do to affect the climate.  Quote:  "In a scientific report published in 2015, experts at the European Science Foundation concluded that large volcanic eruptions posed the greatest risk to human survival – greater, in fact, that an asteroid collision with earth, human activity leading to climate change and nuclear war."

This is a powerful retort to two MIT scientists who challenged a critical piece written by Freeman Dyson in the wake of the recent Paris Climate change summit.  I certainly cannot claim to understand the science discussed in this piece and questions asked by the author of the two MIT scientists but I get the gist of the points being made.  An interesting read in any case.  

For those who still believe climate change is scientific, not only that but "settled science", read this.  It is an assessment of the Paris agreement reached at the recent "climate" summit.  What you will learn is that it is indeed a socialistic elitists endeavor to enslave the globe to a centralized socialistic government based on Marxists principles.  The agreement says it is about saving the earth from human induced harm but its real purpose is to turn the world into a communist utopia.  Quote: "To those complaining that the lack of mandatory emissions targets means that the Agreement does nothing concrete to combat GHG emissions, I can only say "Good morning, and welcome to reality!"  No, Virginia, Al Gore does not believe polar bears are stranded on ice floes.  Ban Ki-moon does not believe climate change causes Islamic fanaticism.  No one ever believed that manmade CO2 could cause the Earth to wobble on its axis.  And the U.N. Conference of the Parties on Climate Change neither believes that it can prevent the global mean temperature from rising 1.5 °C nor has any intention of seeking such a delusional goal."

This is a sensible response to the nonsense EPA's "...2012 Proposed Federal Plan and Model Rules for the Clean Power Plan, as issued by EPA and published in the Federal Register: 80 FR 65979-80."

At this link are charts that depict temperature data as measured by satellites for the past 37 years.  These data are more accurate than randomly distributed land based collection sites and certainly more accurate than manmade computer models. (See next item)  The charts reveal that the earth has not been warming for some time.  Quote: "UAH v6.0 (University of Alabama Huntsville satellite) data for November were released a couple of days ago.  Here are updated graphs for various regions showing the furthest back one can go to show a zero or negative trend (less than +0.01C/ 100 years) in lower tropospheric temperatures.   For the second month of the climb towards the El Nino peak, there is still NO pause in the Northern Hemisphere trend.  However, in some regions the pause has lengthened.  Note: The satellite record commences in December 1978.  The entire satellite record is now 37 years long- 444 months."    Just more proof that proclamations that the earth is warming at the recent Paris Climate Summit are purposeful lies uttered by dishonest partisans with an agenda having nothing to do with the climate.  Facts refute the lies.

More studies coming out with bad news for the Climate Change advocates.  Quote: "The only reason AGW theory became fashionable in the first place was because, for a period, there seemed to be a very distinct correlation between rising temperatures and rising levels of man-made CO2. If – as seems to be becoming increasingly evident – those rising temperatures were, at best, exaggerated by dodgy scientists and, at worst, faked, then what we have is the biggest case of fraud in world history.  And there are so many people with vested interests in this fraud – even newspaper editors – that when presented with the evidence, a lot of them really would prefer not to know…"

Here is a report of another study that suggests fraud has been committed.  Quote: "The way we measure global temperature is once again facing scrutiny for over-estimating the planet’s warming trends. Our government homogenizes weather data so that all nearby weather stations are all singing the same tune. It’s done to weed out bad stations or failing weather equipment. We discovered such a thing earlier this year when we found that perhaps the nation’s most politically iconic weather station—Washington DC’s Reagan National Airport—was reading temperatures that were far too hot to be plausible."

This study details the faults with ground based temperature data collection.  Quote: "Lead author Anthony Watts said of the study: “The majority of weather stations used by NOAA to detect climate change temperature signal have been compromised by encroachment of artificial surfaces like concrete, asphalt, and heat sources like air conditioner exhausts. This study demonstrates conclusively that this issue affects temperature trend and that NOAA’s methods are not correcting for this problem, resulting in an inflated temperature trend. It suggests that the trend for U.S. temperature will need to be corrected.” He added: “We also see evidence of this same sort of siting problem around the world at many other official weather stations, suggesting that the same upward bias on trend also manifests itself in the global temperature record”.

The alarmist appear to be changing the facts to make Climate Change fit their theories.   It gets worse.  It is sad that science has become a tool to be manipulated to fit the desires of those with an agenda.

Regarding Global Warming this scientist who is a Nobel laureate says to Obama, "Excuse me, Mr. President, but you're wrong...dead wrong."

Al Gore should be ashamed of the big part he has played in inflicting untold damage to our nation and across the globe.  But, my guess he feels no shame whatever.  He has been laughing all the way to the bank.   He was rich when he started his Global Warming alarmism scheme.  Thanks to his efforts he is now much richer than he was when he started.  And the world lost access to funds that could have been used for good rather than contributed to the massive waste that has ensued. 

This item deals with geoengineering projects such as ChemTrails.  If you don't know anything about this you need to do a web search.  It has been widely poo-pood by those who do not want the public to know about this and related projects.  As this piece notes it is suspected that these chemical deposits dumped into the atmosphere are part of the reason why the bee population is collapsing and that climate scientists have ignored these uncontrolled experiments.  Because the experiments such as ChemTrails are not well based scientifically the Professor cited here thinks they should be halted. Quote: "In other words, governments and whomever else are involved in geoengineering efforts are currently engaged in a large-scale, uncontrolled experiment, according to this admission by Prof. Lenton. And like many of the rest of us, he wants to see this experiment halted in favor of sound scientific proposals.  But in order to get there, it must first be acknowledged that this experiment is real, which is something that chemtrail-deniers can't seem to get through their dense skulls. It's no longer an argument over whether or not chemtrails are real – they are – but rather whether or not they've begun, which mounting evidence suggests was many, many years ago."

It is long past time to start dealing in facts and stop with the unscientific and historically inaccurate hype.

I really do wish more people would embrace what this esteemed physicist has to say.  He has the credentials to provide an informed opinion and plenty of common sense to go along with it.  Uninformed people are being led by the nose by so called experts with an agenda.  Although certainly no expert our president is at the head of the list of people who have an agenda.  Truth does not matter to such people.  Here is a good follow on.

Wise people will examine with great care what the Climate alarmist say.  This German scientist gives us good cause to believe we are being hoodwinked by the alarmist.  Quote: "In 2012, we realized that the data offered by NASA was not the same as that offered in 2010.  The data had been altered.  If in 2010 someone had, for instance, looked up the data for Palma de Mallorca, they would have seen a cooling of .0076 degrees.  But in 2012 it suddenly showed a temperature increase of .0074 degrees.  This is not a one-off.  Until then measurements were sacrosanct.  Can you call it fraud or falsification? I’m not a lawyer, but I can say it has been changed retroactively.  If I show you the data a negative judgment is justified.  In 2012 there was twice as much warming in the sample we examined compared with just two years prior.” 

This should raise questions in the minds of critical thinkers.  The loss of a suspicious NOAA satellite after discovery of manipulated data is too convenient for my taste.  Besides why refuse to release data if you have nothing to hide?  And who thinks a totally self absorbed and inefficient, ineffective, wasteful socialistic UN (which is nothing but a series of unelected ambitious bureaucracies) can run anything, much less manage global climate?  The complexities of a global climate system are far too complex for any collection of scientists to understand, much less master.  Why anyone would think a government bureaucracy, a "bigger is better" is beyond me.  An oversized unelected UN bureaucracy for example is a sure recipe for disaster as our very own bloated government proves beyond any shadow of a doubt.

Everyone may not agree with this piece but it should give everyone something to think about.  My opinion?  It is right on target.

This is an introduction to a 200 year old bit of insight.  Ponder it since it relates to the climate change phenomena.

If anyone needs to be convinced that the political left, including it member scientists, are a bit demented maybe this item will help.  To my way of thinking it is almost comical the extremes these people will go to promote what normal logical thinking people know full well is a bunch of hoowie.   It is to the point where I feel sorry for them as they see their creation crumbling all around them.

This is another item that is both sad and slightly humorous.  It summarizes a theory posited by a scientist that is intended to save the planet.  Her thought is that we will think ourselves to smaller size  to reduce our carbon footprint (she speculates that we downsize ourselves to approximately the size of chickens through evolutionary processes).  Such is the state of both climate and evolutionary science. 

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