Friday, January 15, 2016

Items Worth Reading

Occasionally I run across items that are insightful, challenge one's thinking and help understand the nature/causes of events.  I share them with you for your enjoyment/edification.  I do not expect you to read all items.  Some may interest you, others not.  Some may offend readers but should instead cause one to give them careful consideration.  Different opinions and verifiable data contrary to one's belief system should be evaluated and not dismissed out of hand.  All of us may have views that upon reflection are not consistent with reality, logic or reason.  Because some of these items are lengthy, save and read those of interest as time permits.

Very interesting and highly relevant to current times. Quote: "To mount an effective response to the reigning egalitarianism of our age, therefore, it is necessary but scarcely sufficient to demonstrate the absurdity, the anti-scientific nature, the self-contradictory nature, of the egalitarian doctrine, as well as the disastrous consequences of the egalitarian program. All this is well and good. But it misses the essential nature of, as well as the most effective rebuttal to, the egalitarian program: to expose it as a mask for the drive to power of the now ruling left-liberal intellectual and media elites. Since these elites are also the hitherto unchallenged opinion-molding class in society, their rule cannot be dislodged until the oppressed public, instinctively but inchoately opposed to these elites, are shown the true nature of the increasingly hated forces who are ruling over them. To use the phrases of the New Left of the late 1960s, the ruling elite must be “demystified,” “delegitimated,” and “desanctified.” Nothing can advance their desanctification more than the public realization of the true nature of their egalitarian slogans."

This is an interesting article about Joyce Dreger and her new book  Galileo’s Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science The article provides this quote from her web site: "I do social justice work in medicine and science, and I do that through my research, writing, speaking, and advocacy. I’m constitutionally inclined to use evidence (especially historical and scientific evidence) to help create a more just present and future. I spend a lot of my energy pushing specific groups of people to be more evidence-based, particularly within controversies."  And here's what she says about her new book:  "I’m increasingly obsessed with American democracy and the critical role of academics and journalists within it. Evidence, as I argue in my new book, is fundamentally critical to American democracy and to social justice. With academics and journalists under increasing threat from harsh economic and cultural pressures, I’m growing quite concerned about the health of American democracy. The book calls on American academics to step up, defend academic freedom, and be responsible to truth and democracy, both."   

Two quotes: "It is more than a little ironic that progressives are so disdainful of people of faith. Their progressive belief system, they claim, is based on reason and science. In reality those claims are boloney. That is why the President’s recent State of the Union address could be so full of contradictions, hypocrisy, half-truths, and outright lies, and still be accepted by his followers on faith, just like a cult." And, "Progressivism churches are college campuses, their priests are liberal professors. Anyone listening to their current high priest, President Obama, in his last State of the Union address should have been struck by his disconnect from reality. Yet, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports, 28% of Americans strongly approve of the way Obama is performing as president. These are the same 28% who believe America is heading in the right direction. Only those with a cult mentality could ignore the truth to such an extent."

Over 50 years ago comedian Red Skelton could see the future and he nails it.  

This is a good follow-up to Red Skelton.  These twenty quotes tell the story of left leaning socialism. 

This is a commentary dealing with the nature of truth and is a logical follow-up to the previous item.  The author writes "In this diseased society truth is narrowed down to “yeah right”, or “that’s YOUR opinion”.  Subjectivism combined with 24/7 propaganda is one of the main reasons humanity is mentally diseased today as evidenced by the self-inflicting wounds it is bestowing upon itself every day at the hands of the globalists control freaks."
Talk about truth. There is not much of that in the Global Warming/climate change crowd.  This item succinctly sums up the matter.  Read the two links to Maurice Strong.  You might also want to read the piece discussing one of Strong's relatives.  He was a billionaire socialist if not a full fledged Marxist and was not an honest or ethical man.  He cooked up the global warming scam and sold it to the 1992 UN summit in Brazil.  It  has ever since been falsely hyped as the planet's most serious problem.  Globalists around the world jumped on the bandwagon and have thrown the people's money after it in order to provide "so called" scientific justification for their lie.  Their real intent all along has been to scare the public into believing their lie and their claims that only they can solve the problem.  Give us your money, believe what we say, forsake your allegiance to your country and let us install a global governmental mechanism that will take care of you and the planet.  That is of course what they desire and their whole scheme is to bring control all nations within a socialistic governmental superstructure headed by the United Nations.  The UN is an organization which has not one single person on staff elected by any of the people of any member country. Despite what you may think it is an ineffective, inefficient, and wasteful bureaucratic nightmare with failure after failure as its record.

This item rightly declares that Hillary is a miscast figure in this year's presidential election cycle. Quote: "Poll after poll indicates voter dissatisfaction, with a vast majority of voters believing our country is headed in the wrong direction, and a sense that anger at the governing establishment is the prevailing emotion. It looks like the forces of change are gathering — and among today’s presidential candidates, on either side, Clinton is the biggest mismatch for today’s zeitgeist. That is particularly true among Republican and independent voters, but even some Democrats are questioning Clinton’s suitability."

The subject of this item reveals its message.  "Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal is Exploding and this Could Get Very Ugly." 

This is a logical follow on to the two previous items.  It is by a former judge who suggests that Hillary's email scandal will surely result in criminal indictments.

If you think your money is safe in the bank.  Think again.  Government confiscation of the people's bank assets is very possibly in our future, and believe it or not part of the Dodd-Frank law.  Don't believe me?  I have read a number  of items discussing the issue and the authors are not flakes.  This is a good piece by a credible professional which provides insight into the issue.

This resurrects a very good idea.  Term limits need to be imposed on political positions top to bottom.

This addresses the recurring and now hot topic of a convention of the states to address changes to the Constitution.  Due to their success in amending the intent of the Constitution by unconstitutional legislation and court rulings the left is all of a sudden uncomfortable with the possibilities of change they do not like.  They are against the idea of a convention of the states.

An interesting discussion regarding the cognitive dissonance Obama has inflicted on many in our country and its horrific implications.  Quote: "Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress and discomfort caused when important beliefs, attitudes or values, called cognitions, are inconsistent, conflicting or contradictory to each other. In the 1950s the psychologist Leon Festinger theorized that the mind spontaneously, continuously reduces cognitive dissonance to enable goal-directed functioning in a paradoxical, inconsistent, deceptive world. Festinger's discovery founded a rich tradition of research which has demonstrated how the mind resolves contradictions. It provides a powerful way to understand why people can't face what President Obama is doing to America."  And "Festinger's induced-compliance paradigm of dissonance theory explains why black Americans may be the last group to face Obama's destructiveness -- because his policies have hurt them the most."  And, "The social psychologist Elliot Aronson advanced cognitive dissonance theory, further explaining why people can't face Obama's hatred and destruction. Aronson's self-concept model theorized the central purpose of dissonance reduction is to preserve positive self-image (I am a good person) and self-justification (I was right all along). Because so many Americans now have been convinced we are a racist nation, to maintain a positive self-image people cannot face the truth about Obama. The loss of opportunities and the diminishing of hopes which Obama's policies have inflicted create a monumental need for self-justification among his supporters. “The president shows us America is still racist. We were right all along.” They have let go the truth that America is about freedom. No one knows how many still stand upon that truth, how many care, or if there are enough big lies left to elect Hillary."

This item deals with technology that will help weaken government and empower the people.  A very interesting piece.  The author quotes Gary North who says that "Technological innovation is not going to be stopped by any local government, state government, national government, or the World Trade Organization. Technological innovation is about as close to an autonomous process as anything in history."  And, "This is going to change the whole shape of civilization, and it isn’t going to take three generations. It is fairly far advanced now, and another 40 years of this is going to change the political landscape entirely."  The author of this piece then adds, "I say 20 years, but either way government is doomed, liberty is enhanced.  For libertarians, that’s a comforting thought this holiday season."

An excellent read!  Quote: "Gelernter says:  "And during this same period, universities were being taken over by intellectuals and moving hard to the Left. Intellectuals have also been Leftist, have always been hard to the Left. So the dramatic steer to the Left coincides with a huge jump in the influence of American universities. We have a cultural revolution. And the cultural revolution is that we no longer love this country. We no longer have a high regard for this country or for the culture that produced it. We no longer have any particular feelings for Western Civilization."    In conversation, Yale professor David Gelernter and Bill Kristol talk about how the past two generations in American life have focused on disdaining Western culture.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a best-selling author and fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and the American Enterprise Institute.  This item is an interview with Bill Kristol during which she provides her assessment of the problems in Islam today, including the dangers of what she calls “Islamic totalitarianism.” In chapter 1 she shares her own experiences as a young woman in Kenya attracted by radical Islam and explains the dangerous allure of Islamism to youth all over the world. In chapter 2 she calls on Westerners to assert the superiority of liberal societies to political Islam—and argues that our current obsession with multiculturalism and political correctness has rendered us ill-equipped to do so."

A shameful tale.  Quote: "Code words such as “populist,” "southern," "redneck," "nativist" and "racist" all mean white Middle America and their culture -- the tough minded Scots-Irish traditions of honesty, hard work, honor, patriotism, and military ferocity.  This is the left's nemesis, what they hate and fear the most.  These characteristics that for 150 years powered the ascendency of America are being dangerously corroded by a toxic mix of “white guilt,” “sex, drugs and rock and roll,” welfare, and an education system that that actively suppresses knowledge, especially historical knowledge."

Quote: "“Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can…” John Lennon wrote these words for a fantasy song to glorify his understanding of the road to peace. John may not have understood the true origins of his thoughts, but we know it as Communism. Barack Obama knows that too and is determined to make sure you understand the consequences of “no possessions.” In government-speak it’s called the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule.” (AFFH) Once it becomes a reality you will be able to fully appreciate John’s statement – imagine no possessions.” For if AFFH is allowed to stand, the concept of private property is about to die in America.  The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule is federal enforcement of Sustainable Development Smart Growth Cities. Until now there was at least a pretense that Smart Growth development was a local process. That, of course, is what the American Planning Association (APA), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and your city council have assured citizens. Now, through the revelation of AFFH, it is clear that such development is a top-down dictatorship, overseen by the department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)."  And, "Well America, get ready to receive your due! Barack Obama has just nationalized your home. Along with that, he has put your local government in chains and he and his central government will now make the rules in your local community. If you do nothing now then it won’t matter whom you elect to city council or county commission. It won’t matter how loud you scream. Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can! Ignore this warning to take action today or you’re going to learn."

This item includes an interview with a former KGB propagandist who defected to the US.  He outlines how the communists have for years waged their propaganda in this country in their quest to turn our nation into a communist state.  It has been a slow but truly successful undertaking and should be obvious to anyone who has been paying attention to the real news (vs left wing propaganda/deceptions/actions).  Serious assessment of government, academic, financial and crony capitalist activities undeniably reveal that our culture, financial stability, freedoms and sovereignty have been seriously undermined.

Is this the type thing our government should engage in?  I think not.  Our government for many years now has messed in the affairs of other nations.  It is unethical.  Most times it has not resulted in anything good and for our sake and the sake of other countries it should stop.  This item discusses the possibility of inciting riots in Israel to get that country to bend to what the US wanted for Palestine.  

President Obama claims to be a Constitutional scholar but has lost almost every case that reaches the Supreme Court.  He has no authority under the Constitution to make laws.  That is the sole authority of the Legislature.  Executive actions are suppose to be limited to presidential guidance/instruction to the Administrative branch of government.  He does not have the authority to make broad nationwide law.  He, as have past presidents, has repeatedly violated that part of the law of the land.  Nowhere in the Constitution does he have any authority to make immigration law.  That is a sole function of the Legislative branch.  But no matter.  He has opened Pandora's box as related to inviting into the nation illegal immigrants from Central and South America as well as secretly invited into the country un-vetted middle eastern refugees.  This item suggests that not only does he violate the Constitution he also has no common sense when it comes to a primary function he does have.  That is to faithfully protect our borders from intrusion by non-Americans.  This is a consequence of his illegal activities.  Merely claiming that his actions are humanitarian in nature neither trumps the law nor his responsibility to protect the security of the citizens of this nation.

Socialist billionaire and Democrat activist George Soros is afraid of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.  Why?  This item suggests it is because he is "...frightened that his globalist efforts will be crushed as America shifts toward conservative principles and policies that seek to solve the real issues of government tyranny and violent extremism? The leftist agenda, funded by Soros, seeks to disarm law-abiding American citizens, ostensibly to solve the problem of violence, but this only creates the conditions for Americans to live in the ultimate state of oppression and fear.  But a new wave of Americans are rejecting this kind of victim mentality. They will not become a defenseless population of dependents forced to comply with the dictates of centralized power and terrorists, and that's why leaders like Trump and Cruz are here to stay, no matter what they say."

This item does a good job reminding us what the role of the federal government is.  For well over 100 years the executive branch has systematically expanded its Constitutionally assigned role/powers so that it is now the object of persistent and unconstitutional citizen oppression. The powers of the Executive Branch are approaching those of an elected dictator.  Both the legislature and judiciary play along by creating laws and conditions that eat away at the Constitutional rights of the states and the people. That is because both the federal legislative and judicial branches have usurped their responsibilities under the separation of powers provisions the Founders specifically put in place to limit the size and power of the federal government.  The three branches were to have equal powers for the purpose of not letting one become more powerful than the other.  All three have played a role in the theft of Constitutional responsibility assigned to the states and the people. The states, the people and both the legislature and judiciary have lost power while the executive has gained power.  Tragically the states and the legislative and judiciary branches passively allowed the executive branch under powerful presidents to unilaterally usurp their powers.  That includes we the citizenry.  Everyone let it happen.  This piece suggests how to set things right.   Passively sitting on our hands guarantees the march to total dictatorship will eventually arrive.  Do not let that happen.

This is an interesting analysis of liberal misuse or maybe better said misunderstanding of recorded comments rendered in the past.  Quote: "Given liberal-progressive movement’s obsession with youth and the minds of the young and its disdain for tradition, it should not surprise us that American progressives often treat history as an afterthought – a topic to be consulted only when one needs usable examples to advance a particular point for the duration of a particular argument. Remarks by Justice Scalia over the weekend offer just one further neat example of this dynamic."

Liberals and neocons don't like it but Donald Trump is bucking the ruling political elites in both parties.  Instead of political pabulum they spout he speaks the truth of the frightful condition of our country and the leaders who helped put us in the mess we are in.  In other words, he is instilling fear in their hearts.  They are not afraid for the country they are instead afraid that by telling the truth he will destroy their cozy little tax payer funded, crony capitalist, special interest political empire.  Hence they are trying their best to destroy him by telling their lies to combat his truths.  Love him or hate him, you have to give him credit for taking on the political mob all by his lonesome. Too bad more political leaders don't have his guts.  Time will tell who is the winner of this sordid game of an entrenched political army in open combat against a lone ranger dead set on disrupting their tidy little schemes.

George Burns

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