Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bernie Sanders: Unfit to Be President

During the last Democratic presidential debate, Bernie Sanders described himself as “revolutionary.” He railed against Wall Street, and how he was going to raise taxes on the billionaires who are, he states with righteous [sic] indignation, the exploiters of our society. He promises to use this money to provide free tuition to students in public institutions and to rebuild our deteriorating infrastructure. Further, he hopes to institute a single-payer healthcare system and thereby do an end run around the rapacious medical professions, as well as the insurers and pharmaceutical industries. You see, the medical-industrial complex is regularly ripping off the public. (The left always like to use terms like “military-industrial complex” and “prison-industrial complex” so why not add this term?) Therefore, Sanders concludes that if the always benign U.S. government insures the people, insurance companies will no longer control the prices or the health issues that are covered by policies. He admitted to one of the debate moderators, Andrea Mitchell, that everyone would pay a little more in taxes, but the savings from not paying insurance premiums and other out-of-pocket medical costs would amount to about $5,000 per year.

Further, Sanders invoked the name of Pres. “Teddy” Roosevelt, trust buster extraordinaire, as an example to follow regarding the huge investment banking houses and insurers. He vows to break them up because they are now so much richer and more influential in the running of our economy than they were prior to the bailouts under the stimulus package of 2008-2009. He is disgusted that despite the fact that Goldman Sachs had to pay substantial fines for wrongdoing, it is still considered “too big to fail,” and has provided two secretaries of the Treasury, one in a Republican administration and the other in a Democratic administration.


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