Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Looming travesty known as the Trans Pacitic Partnership (TPP)

The Trans Pacific Partnership efforts have been much in the news lately.  Unfortunately too few citizens seem to have interest in what it is about.  And fewer still have attempted to contact their elected representatives to voice their opinions on what is on its face a very bad deal for all Americans..  To get a sense of what our government leaders of both parties have been trying to do to us please read these three items.  They are the best explanations I have seen and if you read and understand the content and understand the implications it should really concern you. 

And below is the full text of the second item which was overridden by a re-vote (third item) this afternoon in the House of Representatives   So the matter is back in the Senate hands.

Contact your senators if you do not agree with this bill which, I think, is an absolute travesty.  

George Burns

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