Christianity provided the
founding principles that established this country. You may not believe
that but it is without question true. Christianity gave us divinely
provided standards of morality which for the first 200 years proved to
be well founded as the country flourished. These moral principles
guided our nation throughout the colonization period, our founding
period and through the Civil War but started to wane in the late 1800s.
The founders warned us that sustaining national morality based on
Biblical principles was a must if the country was to survive. If you do
not believe me check the founder's original documents and recorded
dialogue and you will learn that to be the case. We have lost track of
the Founder's and their considerable efforts to estaablish a nation
unlike any earlier one. Our Constitutional Republic was a first.
Sadly, for at least the past one hundred years our national morality has
slowly eroded. Over the past 50 years or so it has accelerated and
today is moving rapidly. The liberal/progressive left comprised of
politicians, judicial advocates, academicians, all manner of self
appointed know it all's, and other secular elitists have slowly replaced
the foundation of Christian morality/principles with their own versions
of secular humanism. That is to say the adhere to moral relativism, or
human established morality, based on transient human feelings. That is
not a set of standards. Instead it encourages and permits advocates
for any cause to declare or demand a new morality no matter how
specious. To the secular humanist long standing tried and true historic
standards are old fashioned and no longer apply. They know better and
as today's elitists they have relegated to the past what works and
replaced it with clearly failing so called truths of their own making.
They have replaced Christian morality with changeable feel good
solutions and far too often the government is complicit by mindlessly
sanctioning the latest fad. Modern day elitists advocating shiftless
morality and ethics not rooted in the past think they know best what is
right and wrong. They believe their superior thinking trumps our
nation's founding principles and Biblically rock solid God given
standards that long stood the test of time. Just do a quick review of
how low our cultural and moral standards have fallen. The evidence is
all around us. Any truly honest assessment will establish that we are
well along the road to perdition. Here are some examples of the
evidence of our decline. Repentance and restoration of tried and true
Christian principles are our only way out of this flawed man made mess
we are in. Please read as many as you can of the below items. They tell
the story and are proof positive that serious problems loom if we do
not return to the principles that created this country.
Peruse these statistics captured by a recent poll dealing with the nation's morality.
Things once rejected by civil
society are now being normalized. Quote: "Former Senator Daniel Patrick
Moynihan, writing in his 1993 article “Defining Deviancy Down”
posits “…over the past generation, the amount of deviant behavior in
American society has increased beyond the levels the community can
‘afford to recognize’ and that, accordingly, we have been redefining
deviancy so as to exempt much conduct previously stigmatized, and also
quietly raising the ‘normal’ level in categories where behavior is now
abnormal by any earlier standard.” Moynihan was right. The predicted
disaster to our culture is unfolding before our very eyes.
This item is about a liberal
author who writes in her book regarding how left leaning liberals are
destroying the country but, according to this piece, she still does not
see the forest for the trees. It is however a very good assessment of
the valid points Kirsten Powers makes in her book. Quote: "Kirsten
Powers’ new book, The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech
provides a thorough account of the hypocrisy, intolerance, and just
plain nastiness of what she terms the “illiberal left.” It is indeed
refreshing to read a self-proclaimed “lifelong liberal” call out the
abuses of her co-progressives, even if she breaks no new ground in doing
so: informed conservatives are already well aware of what regularly
goes on in academia, Hollywood, traditional media, and other
environments dominated by the left."
is where we are and it is a dangerous place. Quote: "For the last few
decades, our culture has warmly embraced moral relativism, where right
and wrong are determined based on our feelings, and so there is nothing
absolute. Morality is entirely relative, which means that you can have
your morality and I can have mine. Today, we have moved from moral
relativism to reality relativism, where not only morality but everything
is determined by how I feel, so you can have your reality and I can
have mine.
This is not a matter of a dangerous descent down a slippery slope. This is a matter of falling off the cliff entirely."
This is a sad commentary of the
lack of interest a huge swath of our population has for reading. It is
likely than many have such poor reading skills that it is not something
they want to do. A major drawback is that it limits their ability to be
really informed on topics important to them, their families, their
communities and our country. Many, maybe even most, fall into the
category of uninformed voters - it is well established that these are
voters specifically targeted by huge Democrat campaigns. This is a
travesty visited upon us by progressive policies and far too many
failing schools. Quote: "Going from bad to worse, there are entire
segments of the American population to whom books, in any form, are
alien creatures. We have entire cities where the art of reading is as
dead as the Dodo Bird, and this disease of the intellect is growing, not
declining. The number of people who do not read books has tripled since
1978 (taken from our reluctant PEW people’s report – and this even
includes audio books). The problem is exasperated by the fact that the
fastest growing segments of our population, i.e. Middle Eastern
immigrants and African Americans are at the bottom of the reading for
pleasure (or reading for anything) scale. We are rapidly creating a new
class of Americans who have no interest in the written word, other than
being able to sign their names on their welfare checks. Inner city
schools put little or no emphasis on reading for pleasure, and the
results are obvious. is the Mecca for reading in this
country. Its top 100 best-sellers for 2014 were composed almost equally
of men and women, but not one of them was written by an African
American. That statement silently shouts our dilemma."
Thoughtful, insightful and on
target. Quote: "A civilized society's first line of defense is not the
law, police and courts but customs, traditions, rules of etiquette and
moral values. These behavioral norms -- mostly transmitted by example,
word of mouth and religious teachings " The author argues that it was
the Greatest Generation that failed to pass along those timeless
attributes to the next generation. To make his point he asks us to
consider "What are the massive government spending programs that
threaten to bankrupt our nation in the future? The answer would have to
be Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Over 50 percent of today's
federal budget is spent on these programs. Around the time when many in
the so-called Greatest Generation were born (1920), there were no such
programs, and federal spending was $53 billion. In 2014, federal
spending was $3.5 trillion."
The elitist in our culture do
not listen to what children of same sex marriages have to say. The New
York Time did a piece that ignored those children that want a mom and
dad. Quote: "I wish the voices of Katy Faust and Heather Barwick would
have been included in that New York Times piece. For all of the Times’
concern about the benefits of redefining marriage on children of
same-sex couples, there’s little concern about the suffering inflicted
on children raised in such relationships. A relentless focus on only one
side of this debate has left us astonishingly deaf to their cries."
The ACLU is intent on promoting
things that destroy long standing cultural norms. This item lists and
briefly discusses only five of their many priorities. People with a
conscience will not like any one of them.
This item expresses an opinion
regarding TV coverage of and exploitation of unfortunate people all the
while calling it news. It is confirmation that so much of the media is
an instrument of America's cultural decline. This is the view of many,
including me.
Miley Cyrus is emblematic of the current day cultural decline. See
what she has to say in this piece. Should she be a role model for our
And this item provides a summary of the consequences of the
permissiveness and moral relativism of our modern day progressive
led society and academic institutions. And consider this discussion of the impact of liberal/progressive ideology on our culture.
This is a tragedy that must be
reversed. Far too many children grow up without a father in the home.
The negative consequences are clear for all to see. Regarding the
recent incident with "...why Rachel Dolezal—a 37-year-old adult
Caucasian woman—pretended to be black for the past 20 years." The
author blames "... her father, Larry Dolezal. I blame him in order to
make a bold point: we must stop blaming the police, sexism, racism or
even our own children every time our children go wild. Instead, we need
to develop, hold accountable and appreciate great fathers. Research shows
that a girl’s father—more than her mother and certainly more than the
local police department—shapes how confident and mentally secure she
becomes later in life."
Many experts lament that this is also a major problem leading to the
decay in moral and civil behavior in boys, regardless of race.
This synopsizes the voter
condition we are in and how the problem got started and how it is
continuing. Quote: "At the precise moment in history when the United
States abandoned any attempt to transmit American values to its own
citizens, never mind immigrants, the 1965 immigration act began dumping
the poorest of the poor from around the world on our country."
A new term has been introduced
by the left apparently designed to further advance their PC control over
civil debate. Quote: "The concept of "micro-aggression" is just one of
many tactics used to stifle differences of opinion by declaring some
opinions to be "hate speech," instead of debating those differences in a
marketplace of ideas. To accuse people of aggression for not walking in
lockstep with political correctness is to set the stage for real
aggression against them." And, "In a sense, the political left's
attempts to silence ideas they cannot, or will not, debate are a
confession of intellectual bankruptcy."
High profile comedians are starting to rail against political
correctness...GOOD FOR THEM. Maybe they will even help beat back the
harm PC is doing to our society and civil discourse.
Is illegal immigration the same thing as cultural genocide? This item discusses that question.
Total PC insanity in the Oregon
school system. "Harvey Scott K-8 School, a public school in Portland,
Oregon, has become a nationwide controversy–after the school’s
principal, Verenice Gutierrez, declared the childhood favorite “racist.”
Her logic? Peanut butter and jelly is racist–because some immigrant groups don’t eat them."
Does this seem fair to you? In modern times tolerance is a one way street.
Why is it that so many on the
left decry Christian morality? Reverend Franklin Graham made a proposal
that Christians avoid spending money in businesses that support
things they consider immoral. Many on the left came unglued. Why? Is
it that they prefer/accept immorality rather than embrace morality? One
can only conclude so. Quote: "The idea is simply this: if you can help
it, don’t spend your money at businesses that don’t support your moral
beliefs. Liberals do this all of the time with companies like Chick Fil A
and Hobby Lobby (among many others), so we could probably afford to do
the same when we shop." Another good discussion of Reverend Graham's position.
Anyone who thinks this decadence
is acceptable is dead wrong. But, it is but just one marker that
illustrates the erosion of sexual morality. But raising up deviance the
way the media does invites this kind of consequence.
The worst continues to unfold. Cartoons for preschoolers now promote
homosexuality. Quote: "Hulu is broadcasting a cartoon meant for
children about a boy who rescues a prince and a princess but then
chooses to marry the prince. Yes, the prince, the BEARDED GUY in the
photo below. This effort to teach children not only the joys of gay
marriage but also borderline pedophilia is simply reprehensible. It's
especially obscene to start in on this topic with preschoolers."
get this, "One of the largest school districts in the country is going
to start teaching children that there’s no such thing as boys or girls.
Fairfax County Public Schools, just outside of Washington, D.C. in the
Northern Virginia suburbs, has more than 180,000 students. It’s the
tenth largest school district in the country. Now,
kids as young as seventh grade–just twelve years old–will be learning
all about liberal “gender identity” in their sex ed classes. And tenth
graders will learn that the concept of sexuality is a broad
spectrum–essentially." The liberals are on the warpath against normal
human sexuality. This is insanity! Another quote: "The big lesson,
according to Fox News’s Todd Starnes, is “the idea that there’s no such
thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.”
of psychiatric drugs is a common theme when confronted with mass
murders like the recent one in Charleston, SC. They more than guns
seems to me to be a major part of the problem. Yes guns deliver the
bullets that kill or injure but mind altering drugs used by the
perpetrators are known to cause violent thoughts. More here.
item examines a piece by the writer for Salon. It begs the question
does the entire Salon meet the definition of the left's self identified
personification of what it means to be "tolerant"? It is clear to me
that neither the editors of Salon or their contributors have an ounce of
tolerance for anyone who does not agree with their bigoted ideology.
Quote: "In the end, however, Tayler's motives are beside the point,
which is that he feels not only free to unleash this kind of slander
against the belief system of the majority of Americans but also that
there is no risk that he will be considered, much less called, a bigot
or intolerant for doing so. That's because in the leftist-dominated
media culture, you can, with limitless vile, insult individuals and
groups outside those protected by political correctness with impunity
and often with confidence that you'll be praised."
who cannot tell fake news from the real thing expose their limited
intelligence, willingness to show it and demonstrate their intolerance
of people who counter the fake news with facts. That they have it all
wrong matters not so any intelligent conversation is impossible. Here
is a good example.
Behavior of this type is indicative of a nation that has lost its soul. Quote: "In recent days, the nation has been shocked by the story coming out of Texas:
a 14-year-old girl was raped, her baby forcibly aborted through pills
and a lengthy, brutal beating, and then, the stillborn baby was burned
on a grill and later disposed of. While this story couldn’t be more
horrific, America needs to realize that forced abortions are not
uncommon. Abortion giant Planned Parenthood has been accused of forcing
women to end the lives of their own children."
The differences between poor and rich have a number of causes. This provides a brief discussion of some of them.
Bill Maher, a far left atheist,
feels quite free to spew his hatred for Christians. He
is unquestionably a hate monger who does not deserve even the tiniest
bit of the acclaim he receives. His senseless and unconscionable rants
in no small part are part of the problem we have in this nation. Anyone
with only a modicum of conscience should agree. And his antics
actually highlight the very fact that is the liberal left are the
intolerant rather than Christians and conservatives. It does nothing to
promote anything good. Rather it is destructive to civil discourse.
Not the same thing as the above
item but related is how the left has a propensity to shut down debate
with those having different opinions. Here is a piece that addresses
that very point.
This illustrates the intolerance
and frankly the total disregard the liberal left has for free speech
and the simple human right to have an opinion different from someone
else. Clint Eastwood should be a beacon for all of us to follow instead
of the politically correct Hollywood elites this article addresses.
What does one think of the US
government's "gesture" to Islam by moving traditional July 4th
celebrations to June 4th. Yielding to Islam just gives them more
incentive to further intrude into US interests and our culture. This is
not an act of being nice. It is a cowardly act that emboldens
Islamists to continue forcing their culture on others. When was the last time you heard of any yielding to the interests of others by any Islamic state or group?
An example of government
over-reach. Put yourself in these parents place and see if you think it
is okay for the government to do what they did to them.
Ever since President Obama took
office he has intruded into the military in such a way as to undermine
its historic tradition of "honor, duty, country". Here is just one
This is a true but sad commentary. Wish it wasn't so.
Contrast this view of art with
that prohibited by Islamists at the cost of deathly outrage. Yet our
government, so called sophisticated academics and elitists of all
stripes try to convince us these are people we should embrace. Study
what is happening around the globe and tell me exactly what evidence is
there that we should dispense with Christianity and embrace Islam.
This Walmart greeter always has
nice things to say. But at least someone was "offended". When society
reaches this point it is really sad.
This is now a socially accepted sexual classification despite significant evidence it is, instead, an emotional problem. Here is a bit more insight.
It is now normal to claim those
with whom you disagree should be punished, even put in jail for simply
having a difference of opinion.
George Burns
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