item expands past discussions regarding science. It ranges in
scope presenting things we all should know about and give consideration
as to their implications. Scan the contents. It is likely that you
will find several of the items to be of interest.
This is a most interesting
item. It gets to the root of what must be done with the persistent
issue of global warming/climate change. Quote: "Science is not about
"consensus" but facts. Not only were some physicists not initially
convinced by Einstein's theory of relativity, Einstein himself said that
it should not be accepted until empirical evidence could test it. That
test came during an eclipse, when light behaved as Einstein said it
would, rather than the way it should have behaved if the existing
"consensus" was correct. That is how scientific questions should be
settled, not by political intimidation. There is already plenty of
political weight on the scales, on the side of those pushing the "global
warming" scenario. The fact that "global warming" models are not doing a
very good job of predicting actual temperatures has led to a shift in
rhetoric, with "climate change" now being substituted. This is an issue
that needs to be contested by scientists using science, not political
muscle." I think Dr. Sowell is exactly right.
This piece adds further credence
to the fact that frantic efforts climate warmists are being undertaken
to ensure the upcoming Paris climate conference regains some of the
lagging support for their efforts to "...give government officials and
environmental activists the power to eliminate fossil fuels, control
businesses and entire economies, and tell families what living standards
they will be permitted to enjoy – with no accountability for
the damage that will result from their actions." And, "Countries,
communities, companies and citizens need to challenge and resist these
immoral, harmful, tyrannical, lethal and racist EPA, IPCC, UN and EU
decrees. Otherwise, the steady technological, economic, health and human
progress of the past 150 years will come to a painful, grinding halt – sacrificed in the name of an illusory and fabricated climate crisis."
Quote: "The scientific weakness
of global warming science, and other environmental science, is
demonstrated more than anything else by the reaction of the scientist
and lay advocates to those who dare to raise objections to the doomsday
theories. Rather than meeting the objections with scientific arguments,
the critics are attacked and marginalized. This behavior is not
scientific, it an attempt to defend a dogma by lashing out at those who
dare to question the dogma." This item illustrates the difference between warming scientists predictions and actual readings. Quite a difference. This item illustrates the difference between warming scientists predictions and actual readings. Quite a difference.
This is another interesting piece addressing the "doctoring" of scientific data to support given position. Quote: "A flurry of recent publication
activity on the health impacts of carbon dioxide by the catastrophic
climate change community is evidence that it has now moved beyond
post-normal science. That was the philosophical answer to traditional
science founded on rational hypotheses, reproducible experimentation,
and impartial confirmation of results. Post-normal science was to be
the answer to really difficult research problems; it would apply in
cases where "facts are uncertain, values in dispute, stakes high and
decisions urgent," according to its advocates Funtowicz and Ravetz,
1991. These same attributes accurately describe the status of climate
research. Loosening the traditional standards of acceptable proof to
include some postulating and science conclusions based on consensus and
opinion would expand the universe of available answers desperately
desired by governing bureaucrats and environmental activists."
Can we trust scientific
studies? This medical doctor says "no" and tells us why and how we can
spot the flaws with them. Quote: "There’s so much confusion regarding
health information in the media. How do you determine which advice to
follow and what to take with a grain of salt? Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
wrote the book Doctoring Data: How to Sort Out Medical Advice from Medical Nonsense to help you answer that question."
This item addresses the incessant push to expand the use of
vaccinations even though much evidence exists suggesting that the hype
from the medical/pharmaceutical machines is not what they advertise it
to be. Quote: "They are not safe. They are not effective.
They were not responsible for the major decline in so-called contagious
diseases. In most if not all cases, the diseases they are supposed to
prevent affect only a tiny fraction of the people claimed to be at
risk. In some instances, (e.g., seasonal flu, Swine Flu, SARS),
the “outbreaks” have virtually nothing to do with the viruses touted as
the cause of illness. Therefore, even if vaccines were safe and
effective, they would have no relevant effect, because they are
targeting viruses which are not causing illness. The rabid claim that
unvaccinated children pose a threat to vaccinated children is, on its
face, a lunatic self-contradiction, since those who are vaccinated are supposed to be protected." And, "It
would be foolish, of course, to suggest that many doctors or medical
bureaucrats are aware of all these nine reasons. Most medical personnel
are brainwashed, through education, into believing what they support is
real and true."
This item addresses how
scientists think. It is quite interesting. I can't say I agree with
everything the author writes but his piece is certainly thought
provoking. Quote: "Scientism, like other varieties of political
correctness, is de rigueur among much of the cognitive or
approximately cognitive elite, and has been inculcated in the populace
by endless repetition. The credo runs roughly Big Bang, stars form,
planets, oceans, life, evolution, Manhattan. Acceptance—unexamined
acceptance—of scientism is now regarded as evidence of right thinking.
Most who accept it have no idea what they are accepting, but they know
that it is the proper thing to do." And, "Note that the premises of the
sciences, if accepted other than provisionally for a paraticular
investigation, lead to paradoxes, as for example the Aquarium Effect.
Scientists view the universe as if it were an isolated system in a vast
aquarium. They can look at it, poke at it with sticks and instruments,
but they are apart from it. If they regard themselves as being within
the system, problems arise."
Further evidence that no one
should ever claim anything scientific is "settled science". Scientific
claims that CFCs were causing ozone depletion was seized upon by
politicians who in turn caused the expenditure of much time and money
being spent on what is now a proven scientific fraud. Quote: "The
latest atmospheric data confirms the ozone depletion theory is a
scientific fraud. In fact, the Montreal Protocol banning CFCs was signed
in 1987, despite no scientific evidence for this ban, and those who
organized the treaty knew there was no such evidence. Richard Benedick, the State Department official responsible for negotiating the Montreal Protocol, states so plainly in his book Ozone Diplomacy." It
is a sad state of affairs when people, scientists and politicians or
otherwise, with agendas decide they need to lie to get their way/impose
their point of view on others.
Solar ice caps are safe and sound, not disappearing. Quote: "It’s been recently reported that there’s so much sea ice around Antarctica that vessels carrying scientists and supplies are having trouble reaching the research stations there. It appears global warming isn’t melting any polar ice in her ongoing campaign against earth and humanity." Ponder this.
Is there an ice age in our future?
This item is full of information regarding the global warming/climate change issue. President Obama's recent over the top claim that climate change is more of a threat than ISIS prompted this item. Quote: "If any Americans actually believe the climate claims linking ‘global warming’ to a rise in conflicts, no amount of evidence, data, logic or scientific studies will likely persuade them. But given the high profile nature of the comments, a rebuttal to the President’s climate claims is necessary." More about Obama's misguided and unethical meddling in scientific matters he clearly does not understand OR it is further evidence that he is in hot pursuit of disastrous political objectives. Apparently President Obama intends to obligate the United States to more CO2 reductions at the December 2015 Paris Climate Conference. The obvious question to be asked is Why?
The EPA is forced to admit their science is flawed. This new study could find no evidence that hydraulic fracking does little if any contaminating of water. Quote: The study, more than four years in the making, said the EPA has found no signs of “widespread, systemic” drinking water pollution from hydraulic fracturing. That conclusion dramatically runs afoul of one of the great green crusades of the past half-decade, which has portrayed the oil- and gas-extraction technique as a creator of fouled drinking water wells and flame-shooting faucets."
An apparent discovery has been made that suggests that deep inside the earth is a vast reservoir of water. Quote: "Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over."
This item deals with charges by critics that fracking causes earthquakes. The media and those on the left seized on the words they liked and ignored the rest of this study. Quote: "So, even if we can link earthquakes to fracking, they are so minor that we shouldn’t worry about banning the process. Such reasonable and cool-headed conclusions were lost on the Left and their allies in the media, who merely seized upon the link between fracking and earthquakes. I would not expect any of this kind of information to make it to any national news media for a prolonged period of time, if at all. They and the Left are dead set on keeping us bound to oil from Arabic dictatorships whose alliances with us are out of convenience at best, and of course, that says nothing of the fact that our money is doing nothing to stop their horrible human rights records."
Are these things/actions indicative of a government looking out for the people.?
He is more interested in making political statements, promoting special interests and "his" agenda than serving as president for all the people. Even given the history of failed predictions do not get in his way as he pursues HIS objectives regardless of the facts. Consider this short piece for instance.
Quote: "There is actually far more money behind the Church of Global Warming than any of its skeptics. The difference is that global-warming cabbage is not portrayed as unclean or suspected of influencing the outcome of scientific studies, because it comes from media-approved “good guy” organizations presumed 100 percent selfless and altruistic. The biggest media-beloved, honorable, compassionate organization is, of course, the government."
The vaccine debate rages on. Here is a tragic example of what in some cases vaccines can do. The medical community's behavior in this case is reprehensible. To some it smacks of cover-up. Consider this item. Two babies die and 29 others get sick and as of this writing six of the 29 were gravely ill.
There are problems with the Chicken Pox vaccine. This item discusses the relationship between childhood chicken pox and later incidences of shingles. The evidence does not speak well for administering chicken pox vaccines to children especially in proximity to MMR vaccines.
Here is more bad news about the use of vaccines, especially those given to children.
Everyone needs to pay attention to these findings. Quote: "Psychiatric drugs lead to the deaths of over 500,000 people aged 65 and over annually in the West, a Danish scientist says. He warns the benefits of these drugs are “minimal,” and have been vastly overstated."
Parents and grandparents with little ones please read this item.. And this one too. Are all vaccines safe and effective? Read this and determine for yourself if these data suggest otherwise...recent events add to continuing questions/concerns that keep gettimg supressed by the media and the medical establishment.
This is something everyone should read and consider when making decisions regarding whether or not to get vaccinated yourself or allow your children to be vaccinated.
Is the prevailing view that same sex science valid? Are they born that way? I certainly don't know but some say not.
That GMO fraud is happening has now been documented in a new book. Here is just one sentence from the forward. "In the book's foreword, award-winning humanitarian and leading primate expert Dr. Jane Goodall lauds Druker for bringing to light a number of important truths about GMOs, including that they have never undergone appropriate safety testing; have never been shown to be safe for human consumption; and were not even approved in accordance with federal law."
This item addresses the action Argentina medical professionals have taken in opposition to Monsanto and its manufacturing and selling of Roundup and its association with GMO's. Here is what 30,000 doctors and other medical professions have to say: “Health authorities, including the National Ministry of Health and the political powers, can no longer look away. Agribusiness cannot keep growing at the expense of the health of the Argentine people. The 30,000 health professionals in Argentina in the FESPROSA ask that glyphosate is now prohibited in our country and that a debate on the necessary restructuring of agribusiness is opened, focusing on the application of technologies that do not endanger human life.” Another item from Jon Rappoport on the Monsanto/Dow issues in Hawaii.
George Burns
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