Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Is it okay for Obama to Ignore the Constitution?

Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama thinks it's permissible to rewrite federal statutes, like immigration laws and ObamaCare's employer mandate and signup deadlines. Example: Regarding laws governing U.S. immigration policy, when Obama signed the executive amnesty order barring prosecution (and subsequent deportation) of something like 4 million illegal immigrants, he said "I just took an action to change the law." He was never concerned that his action was illegal. He just saw 4 million Democrat voters.

Obama's rationale for unilaterally changing the immigration law: the fact that Congress was hopelessly gridlocked on immigration issues and wouldn't pass laws he favored, the intolerable legal limbo that illegal aliens found themselves in, and that a crisis existed that demanded that he act, that he sign an executive order.  The fact that the aliens were (by current law) illegal never was a consideration for him. It was just crucially important that he immediately act unilaterally. So he did.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/03/is_it_okay_for_obama_to_ignore_the_constitution.html#ixzz3TJtDGJmU

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